This thread is to discuss everything regarding the bugfixes. Only balanceteam members can post here, use the other thread for guest contributions.
- DifferentialUpgradeCostCalculation = true, in units/ZAB9602/ZAB9602_unit.bp
- Cybran t2 and t3 engineers hp fixed
- improved drop chances for UEF and Sera Fighter / bombers : Max Radius = 55 (from 45)
- fireball explosion is now red instead of green
- fixed Cybran SMD buildtime
- Czar central target bone removed to prevent the killing of ASF to be too easy with the laser ground firing.
- Fixed UEF TMD projectiles dieing too soon to kill Tac missiles launched from ACU; weapon unpacks = false (from true)
- Several Beam weapons improvements from Shadowknight mod (not all). They buff all beam units because they switch to a new target as soon as the first one is dead. Testing is necessary to see if adjustments are required for balance.