This would mean current balance between t3 and t4 is perfect. But there was a complain that t3 units became too strong compared to experimentals after they became buildable in high numbers. Veterancy was buffed for t4 experimentals to compensate, and it globally worked. I don't mean no adjustments will be required but that it does not need to be the same value (20% > 20%) and that veterancy is a wonderful way to adjust these very special units, due to the flexibility that the new vet system provides.
There were also complains that t4 is still too good, and most teamgames are no big t3 fights with exps on top, but exp spam with a few t3, as before engymod. And from my observations, that is quite true. This would mean exps need at least the same nerf, if not more. Doing less would increase this problem instead of solve it. But its not directly relevant to t2/t3, we can discuss that one later. Let's focus on t3 first.
I don't like changing range for t3 heavy units for several reasons : it won't just affect t2 / t3 balance, but also gameplay between t3 / t3, t3 / SCU, t3 / ACU (with Overcharge) and t3/t4, unless the changes are minor, and in that case, it wouldn't solve the issue at hand. Besides, if big range changes are made, it will change the gameplay of the units (especially Bricks and Percivals with their longer range) and also reduce faction diversity. The analogy with aurora is very good : I for one don't want to solve the balance problem caused by auroras by changing its range to preserve faction diversity / gameplay variety (not to mention that Zep would disband the Balance team if you do that

Yes i agree, messing with range can easy change inner t3 balance and others. The aurora is a very light unit, and extremly vulnuable in close combat or to air, while percy/brick are very heavy units. I disagree to how the big range of theese units (or other units) add to faction deversity, unless all units would get the same range (what i wouldn't want to do). But like it said, it doesn't mean we have to change the range, but i wouldn't want to not consider it at least, and aknowledge that range is propably the biggest factor in why t3 is so much better then t2.
I.e. the range of some t3 units compared to t2 units, are like t2 rocketbot range compared to t1 range. But rocketbots still lose to t1 in close combat. The current t3 units are to t2 what a obsidian with rocketbot range would do to t1.
I don't agree with this bomb . For instance, if Harbingers DPS are nerfed by 40-50% (you seem to have in mind 200 DPS or so instead of 375), Obsidians will be a better deal without having to go t3 land factory. 2 Obsidians = 720 mass, 5500 HP, 240 DPS and above all : available at t2 .
So such a big DPS nerf will indeed lengthen the t2 phase, but I fear it would propaply end up in a situation like Cybran t2 navy : long time at t2 to use very good Destroyers before thinking about teching up to t3, removing all incentive to fast tech, which I find to be a risky but interesting possibility to have.
This values do look good to me. Because a harbinger would still rape (rape, not just beat) 2 obsidians, with range & speed. Like with t1 to t2, t1 are better in pure values, but in the game, due to range mainly, and sometimes speed, t2 is still stronger (and they only beat them, not rape, like harbie still would). Compersation harb to pillar and obsi to percy would be better though. Or if the harbinger had the same range and speed as obsi (not that i want it), this vlaues would be terrible weak of course. But it doesn't.
Due to range & speed, the harbinger might STILL be a bit too strong, but it would be a good starting point for me

I agree 20% is a extremly big nerf already. But the gap between t2 and t3 is even bigger.