Here is the thread for all changelogs for the current featured balance mod. Everyone can try it.
Overview and rules:
This thread shall not be used to discuss changes. Dedicated threads will be opened to discuss the major goals of the next patch (t3 air improvements, reduce the gap between t2 and t3 land units, and zep mandatory changes : ASF lag investigation, beam weapon improvements, UEF t1 bomber improvement). Another thread will be opened for minor balance changes, and another one for bugfixes requests / discussions.
Please keep in mind that balance changes that are not in the balance team focus nor in the balance team pledge are not relevant for the next patch, so no need to open a new thread.
We don't want a multiplication of threads to keep things clean so be warned a new thread can be locked if it is not relevant. Same for posts : don't derail discussions please and post only positive feedback (no trolling).
Since everyone has access to the balance test feature mod, your arguments will be stronger if you post replays displaying issues that you may spot during your games. Everyone is strongly encouraged to play with the balance test mod to prepare best version of the patch as possible.
Full changelog for version 3629.25
Bugfixes and small tweaks:
- DifferentialUpgradeCostCalculation = true, in units/ZAB9602/ZAB9602_unit.bp
- Cybran t2 and t3 engineers hp fixed
- fireball explosion is now red instead of green
- fixed Cybran SMD buildtime
- Czar central target bone removed to prevent the killing of ASF to be too easy with the laser ground firing ; additionally, Czar beam does only 25% of its damages to ASF so they are not insta killed anymore.
- Fixed UEF TMD projectiles dieing too soon to kill Tac missiles launched from ACU; weapon unpacks = false (from true)
- Several Beam weapons small improvements from Shadowknight mod (not all). They deal their damages more "smoothly"
- Sera t2 pd : 550 damages (from 660) due to buff to the beam weapon it received (= 137.5 DPS from 165 but will sweep through several units until it deals its full 550 damages = less overkill)
- Tempest muzzle velocity reverted to 28 to prevent it to shoot over small targets like mexes.
- Firebeetle : turn rate increased to 160 (from 120), turn radius increased to 4 (from 3) = small improvement to their handling
- Rover buildradius = 8 to fix issue where it would not finish the buildings it started to build
- ASF : can't shoot rover ; have special resistance to Czar beam ; Aeon and Sera ASF now shoot only one projectile instead of 3 dealing same DPS, Cybran ones shoot 2 instead of 4, to reduce lag caused by high numbers of ASF ; Aeon and Sera ASF firing tolerance = 2 (from 0), UEF ASF HP = 1800 (from 1850), Cybran ASF fires 2 missiles instead of 4, has 1725 hp instead of 1700 ; Sera ASF hp = 1775 (from 1800) ; target check interval adjusted to 0.5 (default = 0.3)
- fix for sera t2 artillery : pitch range = 90 (from 80)
- fix for cybran strat sub stealth not working for sonar
- Better animations of walking bots : Mongoose, Titan, Brick, Aeon Sniper, Percival
- Out of fuel speed penalty reduced to 65% from 75% to ease the possibility to go back to a air staging when far away (and t1 bombers won't drop two times on the same target due to too low speed)
- fix bp for cybran t2 air support factory so that they don't have weird colour when zoomed out
- T2 and t3 engineers price reduction : t2 = 140 mass, 700 energy, 700 buildtime (from 160, 840, 800) ; t3 = 440 mass, 2200 energy, 2200 buildtime (from 490, 3150, 2100)
- reduced speed at which Sera engineers go out of air factory (still faster than original but not crazy fast anymore, speed similar to Aeon). They already have the best bomber and have fobo on water maps, they don't need to have better air factory too
- t1 bombers small tweaks to increase drop chances: turn speed and combat turn speed = 0.75 and 0.8 for UEF (from 0.7), lift factor = 10 (from 7)
- fixed bug where bombers targetting a wreck wouldn't be able to drop anymore (by Brute51)
- Janus won't scorch the earth anymore when bombing a shield.
- Sparky added to Air and naval factories.
- New great looking fx for teleport abilities, custom for each faction, also with a specific sound (by Brute 51) ;
- Teleportation now deals only 100 damages to nearby units and structures in a small radius (don't kill t1 engineers anymore)
- Transfer of a part of the damages to nearby shield refactored (by Brute51) to prevent resonance effect (first shields hit don't take more damages than the damages dealt by the weapon) ; overlapping damages dealt reverted to 15%.
- Fix Zlo Cybran build drone bug / exploit (by Brute51)
New feature : SCU presets with already upgraded SCU in Quantum Gateways (costs of the upgrades are added to the costs of the SCU)
Balance changes:
Structures and weapons:
- Cybran splitted missiles speed reduced to 15 (from 25), acceleration reduced to 6 (from 25)
Static flaks buffs with faction diversity:
2 types :
1) one projectile at a time = more range, precise and more frontloaded, less AOE:
UEF: slightly more damage : 125 (from 102), slightly less AOE : 3.5 (from 4), faster muzzle velocity : 25 (from 20) ; slower rate of fire = 1.25 (from 1.5), slightly longer range : 50 (from 44), better accuracy : firing randomness = 2 (from 2.5)
Aeon : less aoe (3), much faster projectile (muzzle velocity = 30), better accuracy : firing randomness = 1.5 (from 2.5), longer range : 50 (from 44)
2) Several projectiles at once, less frontloaded, cover more aerial space:
Cybran: still slow projectile (20), bigger AOE : 5 (from 4) and very inaccurate (sweeps the sky) firing randomness : 4 (from 2.5)
Seraphim : 2 projectiles at once, less AOE : 3 (from 4), slightly faster projectile (25 from 20), 50 damages (from 53) 1.5 rate of fire (from 1.25), inaccuracy remains the same.
Land units:
Seraphim ACU:
1) Sera ACU restoration field 1 : adds 1000 HP to ACU health ; 2% hp regen (from 0.5), but capped at 15 (from 75)
2) Sera ACU Rapid Restoration field ; name changed to Advanced Restoration Field, adds 1500 more HP to ACU health, adds 10% hp to units nearby, as it used to do.
t1 land:
- Aurora: speed = 2.9 (from 3.1) ; firingrandomnesswhilemoving = 0.6 (from 0). It's a very small randomness and only when the auroras move, they will still hit most of the time but this gives a chance to tanks to survive longer. This value can be adjusted to make auroras not as efficient when retreating, and same when they are still.
- Medusa: stun duration for t2 units reduced to 2 seconds (from 3), reload time increased to 6 seconds (from 5), damages increased to 230 (from 195), roughly same DPS (38.33 instead of 39).
- Lobo : damages reduced to 400 (from 480), rate of fire reduced to 8.33 seconds (from 10) for same DPS (48)
- T1 mobile AA vision radius increased to 20 (from 18)
t2 land :
- Mongoose : slower turn speed = 90 (from 150) but faster turret turn speed to 80 (from 50) on his weapons, firing tolerance increased to 1 (from 0.1) ; grenade weapon adjusted : 50 damage (from 65), rate of fire = 0.15 (from 0.1) = 30 DPS (from 26), firing randomness increased to 2.5 (from 2), pitch range increased to 55 so that it can shoot to its fullest range.
- Ilshavoh Veterancy nerf : threshold = 10 (from 9)
t3 land:
- Aeon sniper : damage = 950 (from 1350), reload = 7 seconds (from 10), same DPS ; firing randomness on the move slightly reduced to 0.75 (from 0.8), firing tolerance = 0 (from 2)
- Seraphim sniper : damage = 580 (from 775), reload = 5 seconds (from 6.7), firing randomness on the move slightly reduced to 0.75 (from 0.8), firing tolerance = 0 (from 2) ; sniper mode = 2000 damages (from 2800), reload = 14.5 seconds (from 20), firing randomness while moving in this mode = 0.6 (from 0.8) because speed is reduced greatly
- veterancy adjusted to 25/50/75/100/125 (from 20/50/90/140/200)
- SCU engineering upgrade cost adjusted to 800 mass from 1000 (also fixes wrong Aeon SCU cost) and buildtime = 4200 (from 5040)
- UEF SCU drone : mass cost changed to 380 (from 480), buildrate = 35 (from 20)
- UEF SCU buble shields now considered a mobile shield (like shield boat) and will suffer from overlapping
Air units:
t1 air:
- Scorcher (UEF t1 bomber) : 4 bombs with 3 AOE (instead of 5 with 2.5 AOE), more spread out bombs, each deals 47.5 damages frontloaded + 10*4 = 40 damages over 1.5 seconds = 350 total (it will never deal 350 damages except on factories, max amount on units and small structures is 267.5) ; turn speed = 0.8 (from 0.7) and break off distance = 26 (from 18)
- Jester : range buff : 20 (from 16) = fix to the fact that they stop shooting when attacking moving targets / are on attack move order) ; veterancy nerf : threshold increased to 5 (from 3).
t2 air:
- UEF Janus : ground weapon range increased to 60 (from 45) and lift factor = 10 (from 7) to increase chances of dropping ; deals half his damages on impact and the rest over time (instead of all damages over time)
- Sera Fighter/Bomber : ground weapon range increased to 60 (from 45) and lift factor = 10 (from 7) to increase chances of dropping
- Corsair : anti-ground weapon range reduced to 40 (from 45) so that it doesn't completely outrange mobile flaks and is able to kill them without suffering any damage.
T3 Air :
- Heavy Gunships : speed + 2, cost and DPS roughly cut by around 25%
- Wailer : maxairspeed = 10 (from 8), 1260 mass cost, 6400 buildtime, 42000 energy (from 52500) ; weapon damage = 140 (from 150), rate of fire = 1.6 (from 2) = 224 DPS (from 300)
- Broadsword : maxairspeed = 10 (from 8), 1260 mass cost, 6000 buildtime, 42000 energy (from 52500) ; anti ground weapon damage = 90 (from 100), rate of fire = 2.5 (from 3) = 225 DPS (from 300), anti air weapon damage = 8 (from 2) = 12 DPS (from 3).
- Restorers : buildtime = 6000 (from 4800) ; Health = 6000 (from 6500). Veterancy threshold adjusted to 15 xp (from 18)
T4 Air:
- Soul Ripper : Veterancy adjusted to 80/160/240/320/400 (from 60/120/180/240/300)
Naval changes:
T1 Naval:
- Frigates : veterancy threshold reduced to 6 xp (from 8)
- UEF and Cybran frigates damages adjusted to be more efficient against Zhtuee : UEF = 85 damages (from 140) with 0.588 rate of fire (from 0.35) ; Cybran = 45 damages (from 40), rate of fire = 1.36 (from 1.53) ; DPS is unchanged.
T2 naval:
- Sera Destroyer : more DPS for the front gun (125 from 105) and less for the rear one (65 from 95); turret yaw range = 120 (from 140), turret yaw speed = 60 (from 90), attack angle = 70 (from 60). It will be slightly less efficient when microed.
T3 Naval:
- t3 strategic subs : range of tac missiles = 256 (from 175) = same as a land tactical missile. This will expand the sniping potential of these units;
mass cost : -1000 (same as a Sera battleship = 9000), nuke inner ring damage = 22 000 (from 25 000); nuke outter ring damage = 3000 (from 500). This allows their nuke to damage units that escaped the inner ring to be at least damaged for real (500 is nothing for naval units).
- Seraphim t3 sub: size y = 0.9 (from 0.8) = slightly higher hitbox to ensure riptides and surface weapons can hit them normally while they are surfaced ; torpedo range = 65 (from 70), AA DPS = 200 (from 240) ; Health = 4000 (from 4500).
- Cybran and Seraphim aircraft carriers can now build gunships and regular bombers.
T4 naval:
- Tempest :Torpedo changed with Depth charge, damage = 350 (from 235), rate of fire = 0.2 (from 0.25), DPS = 420 (from 352).
2 Atlantis and equivalent masscost in t3 sera sub still win convincingly, but the Tempest can now put up a fight even when submerged.