Here it is. The transparent and realistic balance-team. This is going to be a massive text wall, for the ones that are too lazy to read alot of text (like myself), just read the "General intention of this balance team". First of all you will be informed about all our team members, then about our general intentions and concepts (Democracy-based system), the advantages of our team (Why you should vote us
) and at last you can see the list of issues we have collected and want to change or investigate. Enough introduction, here is the description of the members:
RA_Petricpwnz: Thriving new player, that is considered a top player. Boosting 2209 rating he can compete with the very best in 1v1, but he also has a big treasure of experience in teamgames (2v2 up to 6v6), aswell as in setons (Where he plays any spot on high level). His game knowledge is not limited to one aspect, he played every kind of game you can play on FAF. His most played faction is Seraphim.
TEA_Aulex: Aulex is a player that is still developing alot, he has passed the beginner and medium stage and is still progressing. Being at 1742 rating, he has not forgotten how it is to be at a low level of play. He is in touch with the not top notch gameplay and can judge if changes would make the game even more difficult for newer players. He is mostly playing 1v1, but also teamgames. His favourite faction is Aeon.
pip: Pip has vast experience when it comes to balancing. He was there for many balance patches, especially in the last balance patch he was the team leader of the balance team back then. He has great knowledge in terms of game variables and the technical aspect of FA. His rating of 1276 may be shallow, but his overview and tech-understanding is greatly exceeding normal standards. He has no favourite nation.
RA_ZLO: RA_ZLO is one of the "old" top players, currently rocking 2210 rating. His game understanding is one of the greatest of every player in FAF. He could predict the effect of changes in earlier balance patches very accurate, and used units that were considered bad to great effect, proving multiple times that he understands things most people (including me) dont. Another great asset is his good nose when it comes to finding bugs and problems, as he discovered bugs and problems daily in the last patch. ZLO is a full-blooded 1v1 player, though he sometimes likes to play an odd teamgame or two. His favourite nation is Cybran.
galacticfear: Galacticfear is an out and out Seton-player. He saw the game in many balance patches, and has excellent ability in judgin changes gameplay-wise for his gametype, setons 4v4. He is considered to be a seton-top player, playing every spot at great skill. His rating represents this, having 2118. Galas favourite nation is not clear, usually he prefers seraphim because of their strong navy.
BC_Blackheart: And at last we got me. I will work as the official leader of this team - if you read on you see that this is nothing more than a formality. I am at 2389 rating, playing 1v1 aswell as teamgames (2v2 to 6v6) or seton. I am considered to be one of the best air players on any map (Like Wonder, Twin Rivers, etc.). I have worked in the last balance team and have some experience by doing that. My favourite nation is UEF.
General intention of this balance team (read this if you arent interested in the specific changes, but in the general direction the game will be going):
We want to fix only the current balance issues and bugs. Our intention is to keep the current gameflow and just improving the aspects that are currently problematic in terms of balance. That means we !will not! make changes for the sake of change, we will only do the necessary changes to increase the balance of the factions. We want every faction to be equally usable, aswell as making every unit worth its price. The patch will focus on finetuning and polishing - No massive changes (like last patch with engymod and a gigantic amount of balance changes) will be done by this team. The last patch has shown to me as participant of the balance team in that period, that an overload of changes will lead to new issues which cant be foreseen. Another point is that even though i (BC_Blackheart) am the leader, this doesnt mean that i will lead the balance changes. Every change will be voted on by the balance team, and every member gets one vote of the exact same worth. So this issue list (which is mainly created by pip & me, also some ideas from ShadowKnight were taken) will be decided by every member of this team equally. A change needs 4 out of our 6 votes to pass it. Every vote we do will be made public. This is in my opinion necessary, so only changes that most of my team agrees on will make it into the patch. I dont want to push my vision of the game, nor do i want to push anyones. In some topics of the balance process everyone can participate and give us opinions and feedback, since there is sometimes more than one single approach to a certain problem. I greatly encourage everyone to help us, the patch effects everyones game, so help making it perfect!
What is the biggest asset of this team?
Nothing illogical will rain upon you - a change will only pass if 4 out of 6 agree to it. The team is formed out of varying types of players, including hardcore 1v1ers, full seton'ers, people that play everything. We got every faction represented by team members so you can be sure that your opinion is respected! Also two people of a former balance team (pip & me) can use the experience they acquired to not make the same mistakes that were done last patch (unclear organisation, too many changes, etc.). We are not fixed in one single direction, we will try to fix things throughout the factions.
Specific issues we have found and will work on (Split into land, navy, air and general) :
- Retuning of the Aurora (The Aurora got great handling buffs in the last patch, which turned out to be too strong. We search a way to decrease its current great dominance in 1v1. Our tech specialist pip has ideas how to make this happen without destroying the handling, for example with making it more inaccurate while dodging shots)
- Finetuning snipers since they are still underused (This could maybe work through making micro easier.)
EXPERIMENTAL THOUGHTS (This ones require thorough testing and will only be done if all other changes are agreed on, we dont want to inflate this patch or waste time doing this instead of actual balance.) :
Make t3 units in general slightly worse so t2 can keep up a bit more.
- Seton (the home of big navy fights) aswell as games on Point of Reach or Roanoke have shown that the seraphim navy is currently too strong. We will search for ways to nerf it slightly to get the other factions navies en par.
(This will most likely happen through nerfing the t2 destroyer or sub in terms of damage or health, maybe sub AA - we have many possibilities here, again suggest us something!)
- Rework of the UEF t1 bomber which is commonly known to be useless, different approaches are possible here (Post your ideas! Longer napalm burn time, more damage, ... )
- Slight finetuning of the T3 gunships Broadsword and Wailer which are vastly underused units (Nothing crazy here, slight speed buff, mass price decrease, again: your experiences will help!)
- Small rework of the ASF to Restorer balance, since the Restorer can in certain situations be spammed to easily and gain easy air superiority (This will lead to some buildtime increase, maybe slight health nerf of the Restorer)
- Slightly reducing the advantage of Aeon & Seraphim on water maps - probably through making the t1 units slower while hovering on water (Magniteudes of 10% speed nerf or similar would be expected)
- TML investigation (This will have some aspects, including: Likely a Cybran TML split missile speed nerf (its not logical that the missile gets faster after it gets shot down and counters TMD mass efficient), fixing the bug that the commander TML isnt
being hit by UEF & aeon TMD)
- Make preset SCUs available (Build a SCU already upgraded with gun for example, makes the micro easier)
- Fix SCU veterancy (currently 200 for 5 star, probably too much)
- If possible, rework the target bones for the CZAR, since it is illogical that ASF would attack the empty hole in the middle instead of the actual air unit
- Fix antinuke missiles, so they cannot fail through hitting your own air units that landed nearby (Disabling of friendly fire)
As you see, this looks like a massive wall of text but boils down to a reasonable amount of changes, which can be investigated completely, so nothing untested will make it into the patch.
Im sorry if im already annoying you with this, but we will need your support! Give us feedback to changes, discuss with us (we WANT! our opinions to be discussed) and post replays (or send them to us in a PM or similar) where you tested things!
Vote for us! Change with us!