Please quit Arbitrarily changing Strategic Icons.
They are well defined AS IS, different tier units already have a identifier when zoomed out, you don't need to start making up and changing the "military strategic icons"
Forged Alliance Forever Forums
Moderator: pip
pip wrote:In engy mod, t3 armies are huge, it's very handy to be able to distinguish the armored assault bots from Titans and Loyalists and even more importantly, snipers from Harbingers, because snipers are best used separately and require different micro.
It'll take at most 2 games to get used to these 2 simple changes.
Nossa wrote:I've never played GPG or even heard of FA until FAF started blowing up.
errorblankfield wrote:Worst still, every building is a square.
ShadowKnight wrote: Just because nobody has been fussing about being confused between the units does not mean that they won't appreciate this change.
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