Naval factories -> In keeping with the spirit of rebalancing the engineers and factories so that t1 engy spam is no longer completely necessary, I think that the naval factories need more build power. Currently, a Salem takes over 4 minutes to build unassisted, and as such you simply can't rely on more factories to build a navy. From the time you upgrade your HQ, there is still a 4 minute gap till you have t2 navy on the field. From my point of view the t2 navy is roughly equivalent economy wise to t3 land, and no one has ever had a problem with the Percy drawing 16 mass. The Salem only draws 9, so perhaps the buildpower could be adjusted so that it draws closer to 15-16? Perhaps even 20 mass per second so that Salems built in 2 minutes. As things stand, not heavily assisting naval factories means that you can't get enough ships into the water to gain or even hold ground regardless of your economy.
Just my two cents... It would be really nice to see a sea without 200 engineers in it, just like now you can have a clean patch of ground and still be pushing max eco on either land or air.