While playing the balancetesting mod I had a thought to retain some of the FA gameflow;
One thing I keep hearing and seeing is - People love that they can just tech to a non-hq factory and pump out a t2 engineer on the otherside of the map where in any normal situation it would've taken time, effort and a plan to get that tech level to that position - Or a risk with your mass if you want to just upgrade a forward factory.
In either case, this is obviously a huge difference from before. My idea;
First; Disable factories from having the NON-HQ upgrade(cheapfact)
Second, only allow that non-hq factory to be built by relative tiered engineers/acu (hardbuilt)
If you don't have that tech level in the area, you either have to pay the fullcost of the factory;ie upgrade to get a t1 factory to t2HQ, or t2hq to t3hq - OR, get the tech there - Transport some t2 engineers, or walk your acu over.
After coming up with that I started thinking it makes "practical supcom sense" (<---cmon, that's funny)
Instead of magically having the tech enabled because you upgraded some factory to a t2HQ or t3hq some 5 to 10 kilometres away (or further)
Instead, you actually have to have the tier2 blueprints on hand via t2engy or t2acu to build a t2 "non-hq(cheapfact)" factory.
This will return some of the original flow while still retaining the efficient t2, and t3 spam without engineerspam if that's the direction the player wants to take.