- Integration of engymod (viewtopic.php?f=2&t=3015)
- Blaze speed to 4 (from 3.7)
- Aeon blaze muzzle velocity up to 45 (from 40)
- Aeon T2 mobile shield energy consumption decreased to 75 (from 125).
- Aeon obsidian health = 1250 (from 1000), shield = 1500 (from 1750), shield consumption to 5 (from 10).
- Obsidian : AOE = 1.3 (from 0). 4 hp regen per sec for the shield instead of 2.
- Auroras missing less and better handling.
-Harbinger can fire and reclaim at the same time.
Aeon snipers :
Speed increased to 4; ignore t1 land units unless manually targetted ;mass cost reduced to 640 (from 800); buildtime to 3600 (from 4800), doesn't need to deploy.
Seraphim sniper : Same as aeon.
- -Yanzyne (T2 hoover tank) speed up to 4.
- Cybran ACU base regen to 17.
- medusa Firing Randomness to 1.35 (from 1.2)
- Slightly reduce cerberus DPS (damage = 10 from 11).
- Percival and brick Builtime increase to 7200 (from 4800).
- Continental (T3 transport) shild energy consumption = 400 (from 250)
-Atlantis max speed =2.8 (from 2.5)
-Atlantis AA Aoe = 1.5 (from 0)
Veteran levels :
- Brick/Percival veteran level : 20/40/60/80/100 (from 9/18/27/36/45)
- Othuum and harbingers veteran levels : 15/30/45/60/75 (from 9/18/27/36/45)
- Monkeylord and Fatboy : 40/80/120/160/200 (from 75/150/225/300/375)
- Ythotah : 60/120/180/240/300 (from 75/150/225/300/375)
- GC and Megalith : 80/160/240/320/400 (from 100/200/300/400/500)