3599 unleashed mod finished

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Re: 3599 unleashed mod finished

Postby Ze_PilOt » 14 Apr 2014, 14:53

Step 4 : Use FAF to gather an army an conquer the world.

You've discovered my 5 years plan to become the most powerful man on earth.
Nossa wrote:I've never played GPG or even heard of FA until FAF started blowing up.
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Re: 3599 unleashed mod finished

Postby Vault54 » 14 Apr 2014, 16:01

Time magazine: Man of the year

1938 - Adolf Hitler , As German Chancellor, Hitler oversaw the unification of Germany with Austria and the Sudetenland in 1938, after the Anschluss and Munich Agreement respectively.

1942 - Joseph Stalin , By 1942, Stalin was Premier of the Soviet Union, overseeing the Battle of Stalingrad (1942–1943).

1962 - John F. Kennedy , Kennedy was inaugurated as President of the United States in 1961, ordering the failed invasion of Cuba by U.S.-trained Cuban exiles.

1979 - Ayatollah Khomeini , Khomeini led the 1979 Iranian Revolution, establishing himself as Supreme Leader.

2004 - George W. Bush , In 2004, Bush was re-elected President of the United States, overseeing U.S. involvement in the Iraq War.

2014 - Ze_Pilot , Conquered the World, establishing himself as Supreme Commander.
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Re: 3599 unleashed mod finished

Postby ColonelSheppard » 14 Apr 2014, 16:05

2019 - The rebel alliance of dstojkov, the Spring Lobby and Chris Taylor manages to destroy the MKII Black Sun cannon, shortly before it could be fired
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Re: 3599 unleashed mod finished

Postby RK4000 » 14 Apr 2014, 16:06

dstojkov wrote:Some point need to be clarified

You made this "3603" frankensteined version that was pushed to the steam community as a backed improving stuff that people took for granted without to see the Trojan strategy of yours.
Bugs fixing ok but tweaking the balance was a step too far.
Back then I realized that you poisoned the community with your "vision" of the game and the attempt of the takeover was pretty well prepared
First step
provide a appealing but inconsistent version to the community and to steam after that namely the 3603
Second step
let realize the player that this version sucks and the need for an alternative
Third step
... join faf.

I will reset this plan because I love this game period
This game is too great for his fate to be decided from "lobbyist"
A 3599 bug free game was what the community wanted !Nothing more
The 3596 and 3598 will be for historical purpose. This is always good to know where you come from

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Re: 3599 unleashed mod finished

Postby dstojkov » 14 Apr 2014, 16:51

I can understand your anxiety ... you enjoyed your time kicking and banning at will forcing "balance" changes trolling them when they complained making people rage the community with giving them the feelings they were the trouble makers ... behaving like it was your game ...

"lobbyist" that want to control everything is fine as soon you have someone to control and rule
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Re: 3599 unleashed mod finished

Postby Plasma_Wolf » 14 Apr 2014, 17:01

Now I really want to know. How many people actually want the 3599 balance? I want to know the number, as a percentage of the community.

I recall that 3599 was severely imbalanced and from about 2 months after its implementation, the GPG community began to complain more and more to THQ about the fact that they wouldn't let GPG patch it further. The slow patch progress in general and the continuous imbalance of the entire game (Restorers!) is what drove people away.

So now I wonder, will they come back, or massively migrate to your version of the game because that is an inert and old version? Therefore, give the number of people. I'm sure that there is a silent group who liked the old version, but I'm even more confident that the silent group who dislikes it, is a lot larger.
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Re: 3599 unleashed mod finished

Postby Ze_PilOt » 14 Apr 2014, 18:25

3599 is the reason why a lot of great players left FA initially (TLO, pink,....).

But yes, it's true that I have to kick & ban over 1700 players to push the balance changes on FAF.
The current player base is a fraction of the original playerbase, some few people frightened of me.
Nossa wrote:I've never played GPG or even heard of FA until FAF started blowing up.
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Re: 3599 unleashed mod finished

Postby dstojkov » 15 Apr 2014, 21:06

Ze_PilOt wrote:3599 is the reason why a lot of great players left FA initially (TLO, pink,....).

They left because aeon bomber deals 200 instead of 400
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Re: 3599 unleashed mod finished

Postby ColonelSheppard » 15 Apr 2014, 21:09

dstojkov wrote:They left because aeon bomber deals 200 instead of 400

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Re: 3599 unleashed mod finished

Postby dstojkov » 16 Apr 2014, 01:02

Hi guys,

The integration between the two problematic modules is almost solved. Let's see tomorrow how far I can get

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