Balance change: Tweak to engineers to make them less of a headache (less clusterfuck, less traffic jam, and most importantly, less lag). T1 engineer swarms just don't work well with this game's pathfinding, but rather than eliminate them, my suggestion should address the problem with the game engine. The change will let people naturally build what they want to build. This change is independent enough that there isn't a need to consider what other balance changes there are (ie engy redesign). Being good at micro managing engineers and land unit pathing is a skill that people are only proud of in big FA games. This change may take away their advantage of being familiar and working around pathfinding sluggishness, but I feel it will make the game more enjoyable for its strategy, not for adapting to the game engine's nuances; this solution also would help remedy the scenario where someone's avoiding strategies, due to the game's nuances making it difficult (due to more micro and attention required) to get it started. IE clearing out room to build a big experimental, or building a t3 navy out of a small harbor, or growing a t3 base working with a small plot of land.
I've opened the thread but it 100% sure that it won't be made for this patch. zock and rienzilla are working on it, would be better to participate in their thread.