I'd like to believe a certain modernisation is at hand for the chat rules and here I refer to only a single rule out of the ones uberge3k wrote : "- Non-English chat. English is the official language of main chat ."
now hear me out, I understand there is a wish to centralise things and make everyone comunicate with each other regardless of place of birth, culture or current geographical residence.
I also know this is meant to make the modderator's (probably english tongued themselves) day easyer, so as to allow them to moderate the content of chat acording to all the rules uberge3k mentioned.
But I strongly believe most people (yes most does not encompass absolutely all) are of good will and will be casual and respectfull of the chat rules when using another tongue, for say in stituations as innocent as when saying "hello".
My idea is that opening faf to other tongues will open faf to a wider public and make much more people feel welcome and more at home. I've had a couple rookies adress me saying faf was unwelcoming and I was bewildered at the satement, the only thing getting them bad first impressions (in my humble opinion) was people not wanting to hear them out or screaming "BAN HE" <-(parody) as soon as an unidentified language is present.
And this behavior is backed by the actual RULES, so there is nothing you can say, you are actually placed in a situation of wrong when you were trying to spread the reach of your curiosity to a community that claimed on places such as youtube (mostly youtube, I'd say that's how people find out about faf) ...to be welcoming.
So I think this should be put to debate, as many of you already know faf is a community strong with (from greatest number to smaller number) German; French; U.K.; U.S.; Poland; Canada, now the combination of U.S., U.K. and Canada does make for a more widespread english on faf, but it's peak connection times are undeniably in european afternoons and another thing I'd like to highlight is that a great number of faf members speak more than one tongue, sometimes three or more.
Obviously all those you see in the main chat who are from non-anglophonic countries, but there are actually much more than that.
He're my argument: I'm a very open-minded person and I love culture from all around the world, and I have the belief that in many cases a language expresses a great part of one's culture. (You wouldn't deny; for example that american english and british english each have great amounts of culture that explain each and every expression they have)
In the end I'm and english lover and I couldn't be happier about reading and speaking english in aeolus, the fact that people from all over the world are connected in that same chatroom astonishes me and I find beauty in it, I'd still like to open the debate on allowing other languages because I believe it would unblock those people who dare not speak and cleanse the thirst for culture of those who appreciate learning more than one language.