As everyone knows, the Nomads are in open beta now. The intent is to balance them well so that they are as viable as the other factions, with strong weapons but also weaknesses, and ready to become official once all models are finished and textured (currently, 95% of models are done, 90 % are properly textured).
However, it is not currently used as a beta for a new faction, but simply as a featured mod. Players using them are mostly players wanting something new to toy with (and I assume we get many new players on FAF because they want to test the Nomads), as if it were simply a mod like Black Ops. Because it's not official (and not in ranked), many serious players don't bother to play with them at all.
All the good players I talked too are at least moderately interested by the Nomads, but only if it becomes official. We know that there are still unfinished models, especially untextured ones, so it's maybe not ready for official release yet. We also know that not everyone likes the faction, but it's normal : not everyone loves all the default factions either, some hate Sera looks, others can't stand Aeon, etc.
The problem is the same that Zep encountered with the "Balance patch" that almost nobody plays: if the Nomads are not integrated in ranked or available in FAF standard games when you host, players will just continue to ignore the faction altogether, no matter if reported issues are fixed or not. It is a paradox : now that all known issues (or almost) are fixed, that all features are working properly, that the popular UI mods are supported, etc, players don't play the faction more, on the contrary. This is a shame, because FAF is precisely the kind of platform where it's possible to make this custom faction "official", unlike Steam, which cannot offer this kind of support. It could also bring new players from Steam to FAF because a fifth "official" faction is something really new (Nomads will be available for Steam users later too, but for now it's a FAF exclusive).
So here is my question : should the Nomads become official soon, before all models are 100% finished to make sure it is tested, and push it as the real fifth faction, or should we wait for all models to be textured and finished even if it takes some month and meanwhile it's not tested seriously by the competitive players?
Version 3622 is in sight, so it could be a good time to integrate Nomads when it's released. Or should they be integrated only in the version after? At least, the question has to be asked.
Also, I don't know if there are technical issues concerning this integration in FAF.