ok, so now actually some feedback since I got time to look at it.
Lets start with heightmap.
These height difference are unneccessary and makes it look bit ugly. Hill in the corner doesnt ned to be that big at all, water doesn't need to be that deep. Do it on some normal level. So you can hide your ACU there if you want, doesn't need to be accesable (only for drops maybe) but definitely not that deep.
Also you have that black plane bug there cause there is too big difference in heights, so you will solve that one as well. If making hill lower and water shallower won't help, have a look at this:
You should use unsharp brush (maybe bit blur as well) on these cliffs, they look much better after that. And this one peak, if you want to keep it there, make it smaller and also unsharp (you can exceed it bit to the right side and it will look better).
The idea with two hills in the middle is nice, but they take too much space, especially towards the sides there isnt enough room to move units efficiently. And also bit variety in shape wouldn't hurt. Play a bit with elevation brushes.
Overall you should use unsharp brush on every cliff. (Where to find it Heightmap Editing section of this tutorial:
http://wiki.faforever.com/index.php?title=Map_Editor )
Now to Textures (Stratum)Using one grey one to highlight all cliffs will improve look of your map a lot, also makes it easier for player to know where he can move units.
Then mixing into grass some other will also help, some dirt, bit more painting. If you look at Texturing part of that tutorial you will see that if you mix those textures, it will look much better. Yes it takes time, but its worth it.
DecalsYou dont have a single decal there

Decals are what makes difference betweek okish looking map and pretty map. (Its also in that tutorial) Combination of strata and decals on cliff will improve their look by 1000% Then placing some decals everywhere on the map, on place there trees are for example. And erosions decals everywhere. There is quite few of those so you have to choose from
ResourcesTo the mex placement, first thing I dont like is that there is so many mexes on such a small map. As an experienced player I know how many mexes +- to place on map to make it intresting. And this is way to much.
Id recommend 3 at the starting plateau ,for different gameplay from other maps (thats always a good thing to have

), maybe place hydro down so you need to walk a bit toward it, but thats not necessary.
This is my suggestion:

It's still not perfect, but I belive this is a way to go.
ReclaimI would not place rock reclaim everywhere, cause it turns into APM fest. Whoever can click more manual reclaim will get advantag. So maybe just few reclaim spots where you place some rocks (2-3 per side) And definitelly not everywhere on map, especially mixed with trees like this.
Then the trees, you can use tree groups so its easier to reclaim them, also mix different trees.
Now Im gonna be honest. This map is playable but as it is now don't expect many plays on it yet. If you want to make it great, you can do it, but its gonna take time. And Im looking forward to see this map great