So why are big maps basically never played except in a few cases?
I think its because they are all naval based.
All of the big maps are basically islands spread over a huge ocean.
those maps dont have interesting gameplay and the most important part: they are not appealing to non pro players.
If i see one of those maps i am like "wtf am i supposed to do?"
go naval? or full air? there are so many ways to kill me. mabye i should bunker in on my island and build gameenders.
So what i think we need are some 40x40 or even 80x80 LAND BASED maps.
With land based i mean like canis, isis or for/six leave clover.
these maps would be easier to play and more interesting.
It would add a new type of maps to the game where commander rush is not important.
propably everyone will go full air and then drops will be prepared. yes, unit drops will propably become common in big sizes.
so thats why i think some mappers shoould sit down and create something like this.