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CardiacReactor's Bridges, passable by land and sea, does anyone have this?
Box-o-Scripts™ Custom map scripts anyone have this? Can you attach it here?
Forged Alliance Forever Forums
Moderator: Morax
QuantumTyphoon wrote:I'm not taking anything serious from a website designed for 10 year olds.
QuantumTyphoon wrote:why I can't connect path's together, in the faf editor.
QuantumTyphoon wrote: I found out how to do some basic unit scripting, which wasn't answered here
Why is flat considered creative and my map isnt?
if I have to go to discord to get the answer, forget I asked.
Petricpwnz wrote:biass on his campaign to cleanse and remake every single map of FAF because he is an untolerating reincarnation of mapping hitler
QuantumTyphoon wrote: Wait this picture is a screen taken from their website. I'm not taking anything serious from a website designed for 10 year olds. What is the definition of discord? "a disagreement" "lack of harmony between notes sounding together/ aka crap music" Oh I guess I'm not alone in thinking this.
I opened adaptive canis river with faf map editor, for the the path nodes/ path's. Faf editor doesn't show any paths. That can't be right. I have version 0002, latest right? There are no paths for the ai. Yet this is a very popular map. Ok I open up adaptive setons clutch. There are path nodes for the ai. This is a picture of the two maps one with path's and one without paths.
I tried that with different gates as well.. A modded base structure, but new objects can't be added as units to maps right? A modded base structure added as a base that doesn't build anything.does not work
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