the Land Path Nodes worked well, but the Water Path Nodes seemed have no effect on AI's actions. AI just built its naval untis
over and over again., but never sent them to attack or defend. What's wrong?
Forged Alliance Forever Forums
Moderator: Morax
Sprouto wrote:A great deal has to do with the map - which map in particular was giving you this behavior ?
Sprouto wrote:The Naval AI in both the stock, and the Sorian AI, are rather undeveloped. Compounding that, there are some issues that make matters worse, such as split water maps (maps with more than one body of water -- like Setons). LOUD is certainly more advanced in that area, and understands proper water movement on those type of maps.
You've used the correct editor for the markers - so if you want to try your map with LOUD, put it into a safe place, install LOUD and then move a copy of it into the maps folder. Or just install LOUD and have a look at some of our water maps, such as Coastal Conflict, using the marker editor. This might give you some help in making sure that your own markers are well positioned.
--Generate the safest path between the start and destination
local path
if aiBrain.Sorian or aiBrain.Duncan then
-- Sorian & Duncans AI are using a strong modified pathfinding with path shortcuts, range checks and caching for faster performance.
path = GeneratePathSorian(aiBrain, startNode, endNode, ThreatTable[platoonLayer], optThreatWeight, destination, location, testPath)
elseif aiBrain.Uveso then
-- Uveso AI is using a optimized version of the original GeneratePath function with modified path caching.
path = GeneratePathUveso(aiBrain, startNode, endNode, ThreatTable[platoonLayer], optThreatWeight, destination, location, testPath)
-- The original AI is using the vanilla version of GeneratePath. No cache, ugly (AStarLoopBody) code, slow, but reacts faster.
path = GeneratePath(aiBrain, startNode, endNode, ThreatTable[platoonLayer], optThreatWeight, destination, location, testPath)
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