hey guys,
I'm the one responsible for "Adaptive Sand Box" and I noticed it myself.
The AI overbuilds navy and - especially in the mid - the land units seem to have trouble finding the way to the enemy. Most of the time it moves the units into the center plateau where the hill is - no way forward -, then it walks them back to "right" route around the plateau, which leads to units bumping into each other and getting stuck + the land units go to mid to make a turn to attack untis that are coming from the side expansion (never make it to enemy base) + sometimes they just stand around or stay in base.
Thats how the marker are currently placed in the middle (only land and amphibious (same as water) are displayed):
- image.jpg (629.96 KiB) Viewed 3514 times
I like to improve that, so here are my questions:
1) How does the pathnodes work exactly ? Does the units orientate on the marker itself and then follow the line to the next marker (mb i made to few marker where lines cross), or does the line suffice to orientate?
2)"Naval Link" is used to mark water-land transition, right? But why is it needed because amphibious pathnodes already show the way?
3) Should I put "large or small expansion base" in mid and or expansion?
About the Grid, I learned it the hard way, after I already placed half of the maps with deeper elevated trees and all where flying in game XD
@AwarE: I watched your marker video and finally learned how to use amphibious pathnodes - thx for that.