for some modding practice i made these custom, new props for the editor.
Here the dropbox folder for all the props i currently have made or possibly make in the future : ... Irasa?dl=0
Instructions : Copy the contents of each folder and paste them in the vanilla supcom dir(in the gamedata folder) in the env.scd(.zip), in there, there are several folders, you may paste the contents in any folder in the props subfolders. You can access them in the editor on the resource windows if you navigate to the folder.
IMPORTANT NOTE : When pasting the contents you with be prompted to archive them (assuming you use winrar). The compression mathod(default : Normal) must be set to Store in order for it to work.
You may use these props in the editor, but you they wont work if they get uploaded, as they must be patched in faf. For lan or singleplayer gameplay paste the contents in the supcom FA dir accordingly(they must be pasted in the exact same folder as in the vanilla dir.)
Thats it

Hope you enjoy, any suggestions or improvements are welcome