Missing Layers window

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Missing Layers window

Postby Fichom » 27 Jul 2015, 23:27

Hello guys,

it has been a while and I decided to play around in SC map editor again, so I went and did all the standard preparations for editing my maps. So just like long time ago, it all went more or less smooth. I opened up the editor, loaded the last map i worked on and... Bam, there are no "Layers", "Tools" or "Resources" windows opened anywhere. So I think "oh well I just have to enable them", and I go and do that in "Edit" and... still nothing. I try "Reset"... Not today. So I think "what's going on". I remembered, and I might be wrong here, but the "F keys(a.k.a. function keys) do swap around things quickly in the layers window". I proceeded to press all of them, and I can see that the "actions menu buttons"(those few small buttons next to the undo/redo buttons in top left) change(as I pressed "F keys", the options changed). I even got the "Platoons window" after pressing F3, but those three aforementioned windows are nowhere to be seen.

I went around the forum, and couldn't find anything like this. I found this post, and I thought "Hell, I should give it a try", but of course with no results.

To make sure you get what I mean(and I think you don't even have to read all of this text... oh welp, too late :P):, picture in attachment:
SCMap problem1.png
So yeah... This pretty much summarizes that wall of text you just read ;)
SCMap problem1.png (706.75 KiB) Viewed 1572 times

I know it is low resolution, but it get's the point across plenty! Also, a potential map(Tell no one! - asdf) sneak peak! The left, greenish part was screenshot from here, and on left you can see my screenshot of lack of those windows.

I have Steam SC and SC: FA,
64-bit Win 7.
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Re: Missing Layers window

Postby Lionhardt » 27 Jul 2015, 23:53

Go to C:\Users\<User>\AppData\Local\Gas Powered Games\SupremeCommander

open Editor.prefs. locate "Layers = <bool>," make it "Layers = true,"

while you are at it. change the main entry to

Code: Select all
Main = {
        y = 0,
        x = 0,
        height = 1050,
        maximized = false,
        width = 1930

or something that fist your screen resolution.
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Re: Missing Layers window

Postby Fichom » 28 Jul 2015, 00:15

Lionhardt wrote:Go to C:\Users\<User>\AppData\Local\Gas Powered Games\SupremeCommander

open Editor.prefs. locate "Layers = <bool>," make it "Layers = true,"

while you are at it. change the main entry to

Code: Select all
Main = {
        y = 0,
        x = 0,
        height = 1050,
        maximized = false,
        width = 1930

or something that fist your screen resolution.

Well, if I knew this kinda "options file" existed, I would have noticed the problem myself(which I did): it's not that the windows were disabled, but month ago or something I swapped to a smaller monitor(much smaller, the old on went off into Neverlands). What happened was the windows did appear... except around 300 pixels away from the border of the screen. They were on 1400~ x coordinate, while I'm currently using a 1280x1024(I know!! tiny!). The last screen I used was a wide screen and it had much higher resolution, and I had a habit of keeping all my extra windows on the right! I guess the preferences just stayed the same, so my windows got off screen!

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction!
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