T3 Carrier Stats -
http://www.faforever.com/faf/unitsDB/un ... 01,UAS03033600-4400 mass (T4 12k)
20-25k HP (T4 40k)
180 build power (T4 240)
Sera 480, Aeon 600, Cyb 640, UEF 320 total AA dps with 100 range (Cybran/Sera AA guns have limited rotation, and usually only 1/2 fire at once)
Radar 200 (T4 250)
Sonar 40 (T4 252)
85 vision (T4 100 vision AND 100 water vision for seeing HARMS and stealth subs)
Lets just ignore energy build costs for now and compare to T3 carriers:
T3 Air Factory - 60 build power 2750 mass 21k hp
T1 eng - 5 build power. 120 build power = 24 T1 eng = 1248 mass
SAM = 333 dps (60 range), 800 mass, 10.5k hp
T2 radar = 200 rad, 180m, -250 drain
Air staging = 175m
Putting all the components together, it would cost around 5k mass for everything individually, but as it can't build while on the move and the AA has longer range and more DPS, and no radar e drain, you have to give a little consideration. The Sera cruiser has a cruise missile launcher to diversify it. UEF T4 is certainly diversified. Aeon Carrier can make restorers as an offensive option, vs the Sera and Cyb making FB, and has AA that tracks to diversify. Right now, all Cybran has to diversify is a weak TMD and low cost, but if the Cybran Carrier got its AA accuracy improved, its AA might make it more diversified from the others. Wouldn't mind if the TMD was made stronger either.
Basically, they look balanced to me. It's just Cybran's AA that bugs me. Don't need to add bigger differences that people will bring up later and ask, why? Like why doesn't Sera have T3 sonar? Why doesn't Sera have Ghetto Gunships? Why doesn't Sera have a T3 Gunship? Why does Cybran (and UEF) Air factories have slower engineer roll-off? Why do Aeon cruisers seem weaksauce compared to the other? Anyways, consider all this when you offer more exact details on changes.