Auto recall was problem, anyone could get high rank without problems. It worked well before that. System of autorecall needs to be changed.
I wasnt afraid to go in battle with my highest sera rank before auto recall was added. Then it just started to be annoying that every noob could easily escape without losing anything and that kinda ruined whole galactic war idea.
Also I dont know people that would just be afraid of losing their rank, cause it wasnt that hard to play safely and recall in first signs of trouble. There was always someone else/better (me ) that could go solve the problem.
So to sum it up, recall as it was, was a bad thing.
Other thing that didnt work was once one faction was enslaved, there was no way for others to win. Most of the territory was lost to AFK attacks just because there was no one to defend it 24/7. I remember we were losing like 3 planets per night because no one of us was online and then during day we wasnt able to play all the time.