The Problem was that once one faction is enslaved there is no way anymore for other factions to do something. Thats why (understandable) other factions stop to play mostly. There was a Plan that Generals would get the possibility to make an uprising. But something alike this was never realized and would maybe lead to chaos. Maybe it would be the best if the Players of a defeated faction can join the faction they want. But this on the other hand would maybe lead to a mass joining the not winning forces (which could demoralize the before strongest faction). The positive effect of defeating a faction would be still to get their tech. No idea to many things to think about
I see a bigger problem in low player numbers. There should be more reason for people to play this. Mabye something like when you join gw you automatically get a mini faction avatar looking like the normal faction avatar but very very small in the big cube. If a universe is ended the first 2 Generals and the supreme commander should get a nice avatar. I think at least that getting avatars dependend on playing activity would improve the traffic there.
The next thing is that the supreme commander was fixed all the time to the first one who has done it. There should be some kind of way to change this. Maybe the most active person can take over the title with most of won games. The former supreme commander will be general again. For making this work there should be also somewhere the information how many victories you need to be the sc. Means the number of the person with most of victories should be visible for everybody in this faction.
Another thing there was a huge discussion what to do about the ranks, because after some time not good players have been generals and presented thousends of credits for the enemies. Autorecall was to strong so i for example offered different solutions for this like autorecall can be bought only after a victory. And the higher the rank the more victory it costs. So basically like getting for every victory something like victory points you can use for shopping.
Other people like zep prefered to make autorecall dependend in different factors in game. For example it works only when you are close to your own base. No idea thats a difficult topic.
Autorecall topic:
viewtopic.php?f=50&t=6532So let me summarize a small todo:
(The solutions mentioned in here are just examples!)
1. Ensalving system for late galaxy - players can spread
2. Low player number - maybe avatars can help
3. Supreme commander fixed to inactive people - possible to take over if you have more victories
4. Autorecall - a lot of solutions different kind
----not mentioned----
5. Player number on each faction for not equal - maybe number of player in each faction should be shown when chosing. But there was absolutely no solution for this since maybe they would join the faction with most players which makes no sense since they would have no enemies ...
6. Mappool - in the end the mappool was ok but the idea of random maps even if not perfectly fair all the time is amazing
7. Depots - Zep wanted to implement depots (built by generals as planetary defense) which can help creating more stable area in universe (all connected planets faster reinforcements or something like this and no influence loss on connected planets)
8. Planetary defence - was already improved but the mass of the towers was removed. Maybe would be nice to get wrecked turrets to shop small mass for the beginning which would be better for big maps. Of course must be more expensive than towers.
9. reinforcements - to add sacus is ok after some minutes but please never ever add ai because they need times more cpu power and check the costs of units.
(small thing away from this topic titan needs a mini range buff because it is losing even against other factions t2 units mass to mass which is very poor. I am telling this because as a reinfocement titan is a shit as well. loyalist costs the same but is times better because it has this range)
If i can remember more i will tell