This planet will be defended soon already!

This planet will be defended soon already!

Postby palombhp » 23 Mar 2014, 19:57


I wanted to defend planet 1151 and by pressing defend got the message "This planet will be defended soon already!"

What does this mean? The attack counter is climbing steadily for UEF but it is not possible to defend?

Is this a bug or a feature :D ?

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Re: This planet will be defended soon already!

Postby Iszh » 23 Mar 2014, 21:02

It is a feature and it means somebody was pressing faster then you the defend button. But for this person also needs some time to connect to enemy thats why maybe you cannot see the battle immidiately.
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Re: This planet will be defended soon already!

Postby palombhp » 23 Mar 2014, 22:46


I was always a quite slow button pressing guy :roll: .
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