I have the displeasure of informing you that the bug which kills commanders is very much in effect. Unfortunately this evening I had the displeasure of seeing an avatar, Major Logan Ambrosino, die due to a disconnect. It would seem that after weeks of fighting and engagements in the hundreds. The server has achieved what no player has yet been able. It has killed Major Logan Ambrosino.
A solution really needs to be found. Obtaining and maintaining a high level avatar is a huge investment of time and effort. Which is a huge asset to the team. Losing such a high level avatar can be highly detrimental to the team. This has got to be one of the higher priority fixes. Because, it will very likely destroy GW if it isn't fixed. You could probably imagine the frustration I am feeling at having lost such a critical character.
Safeguards need to be put in place to filter impossible game outcomes... Such as an ACU with auto-recall beacon being killed. I would also recommend that the standard ACU self destruct behaviour on a disconnect be replaced with either a game initiated recall (somewhat like an inactive player at the beginning). Or a server based failsafe.
I have done my best to attach the relevant logs. If you need more information let me know. Game launch time was 00:14 local time (Sydney Australia, GMT+11). Which is 14:14 GMT+1 on Friday 24/1.
The Eulogy of Major Logan Ambrosino
Major Ambrosino was a combat veteran of the UEF controlled by Hawkei (myself). He lived through the major assaults of the past two weeks. Rapidly accumulating a total of 81 Victories. He scored kills against level 1 and level 2 commanders - too numerous to count. Along with the notable killing of the Cybran Ensign DIBOL-340 at the very beginning of his career. He went on to score several forced auto-recalls against players of varying ranks in all factions. Most notably against Aeon Priest Iolyn Gahaedd and Avatar-of-War Meirio Rhod.
At the time of his untimely demise Logan Ambrosino was:
A level 5 UEF commander with 81 victories, with 800cr to his name. With an inventory of:
- 8 Mechmarines
- 3 Snoops
- 12 Pillars
- 4 Riptides
- 1 Percival
- 2 Mobile flak
- 2 Mobile shields
- 2 Demolishers
- 2 Spearheads
- 2 Auto-recall beacons
He made a valuable contribution to the UEF war effort. He will be missed by all. Rest in Peace.