Error message when in reinforcement window Topic is solved

Error message when in reinforcement window

Postby Exotic_Retard » 15 Jan 2014, 20:31

when opening the reinforcement panel there is an unhandled exception
this occurs when opening it, and whenever i buy or move units from group to group

there was also an error on opening the gw tab, not sure if related

~18:20 gmt (19:20 gmt+1)
error is not fatal
Code: Select all
ERROR    faf.main             Uncaught exception
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "galacticWar\reinforcements\reinforcementitems.pyc", line 273, in processReinforcementGroup
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'infos' referenced before assignment

there is also an empty "unit", no image or info or anything, in the reinforcement panel (units owned section) i think this is related

not sure what else to say
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Re: Error message when in reinforcement window

Postby Ze_PilOt » 15 Jan 2014, 21:23

That's quite unlikely as no one else reported it.

Can you verify your FAF installation?
Nossa wrote:I've never played GPG or even heard of FA until FAF started blowing up.
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Re: Error message when in reinforcement window  Topic is solved

Postby Szakalot » 16 Jan 2014, 12:44

I have this problem too.

The empty unit were my strikers that I've acquired when UEF was enslaved in the previous map. First day into the new map they were still visible; now they have disappeared, and take the 'empty unit' space.
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