GW Update - 0.10.102 - What's new - 01/12/2014- Topic is solved

GW Update - 0.10.102 - What's new - 01/12/2014-

Postby Ze_PilOt » 12 Jan 2014, 18:44

I was planning more stuff, but I was sick this week-end, so it's only a whole new map + new features for navigation :)

Also, some bugs should be fixed, and all the maps come from the verified list of the map tester team, so every map should works nicely.
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Re: GW Update - 0.10.102 - What's new - 01/12/2014-

Postby Ze_PilOt » 12 Jan 2014, 18:56

There are some performance problem (the lobby seems to freeze but it's not), I will fix them ASAP.
Nossa wrote:I've never played GPG or even heard of FA until FAF started blowing up.
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Re: GW Update - 0.10.102 - What's new - 01/12/2014-

Postby VEGER » 12 Jan 2014, 19:06

Thanks for all your work and effort Ze_Pilot.

It is much appreciated!
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Re: GW Update - 0.10.102 - What's new - 01/12/2014-

Postby LetMeCangels » 12 Jan 2014, 19:29

After your performance update this seems to be quite a large problem too.
it looks like the swirl thing is not just a graphic bug. I just fought against another Aeon on planet 31.
I'm Aeon so that was pretty weird.
I recalled. Afterwards the planet had 9%cybran occupation but cybrans aren't even connected...
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Re: GW Update - 0.10.102 - What's new - 01/12/2014-

Postby Hixtory » 12 Jan 2014, 19:46


Im gettin this when I try to buy reinforcement other than aurora

**FAF Username:** LAT_Hixtory

**FAF Version:** 0.10.102

**FAF Directory:** C:\ProgramData\FAForever

**FA Path:** C:\Program Files (x86)\THQ\Gas Powered Games\Supreme Commander - Forged Alliance

**Home Directory:** C:\Users\Alexander\Documents

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "galacticWar\reinforcements\reinforcementitems.pyc", line 213, in buyAll
AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'setAmount'

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Re: GW Update - 0.10.102 - What's new - 01/12/2014-  Topic is solved

Postby Koecher » 12 Jan 2014, 19:50


Code: Select all
**FAF Username:** Koecher

**FAF Version:** 0.10.102

**FAF Directory:** C:\ProgramData\FAForever

**FA Path:** F:\Games\Supreme Commander\Supreme Commander - Forged Alliance

**Home Directory:** C:\Users\Admin\Documents

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "galacticWar\reinforcements\reinforcementitems.pyc", line 213, in buyAll
AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'setAmount'

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Re: GW Update - 0.10.102 - What's new - 01/12/2014-

Postby Ze_PilOt » 12 Jan 2014, 20:51

0.10.103 shouldn't freeze anymore.
Nossa wrote:I've never played GPG or even heard of FA until FAF started blowing up.
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Re: GW Update - 0.10.102 - What's new - 01/12/2014-

Postby Koecher » 12 Jan 2014, 23:33

Ze_PilOt wrote:Also, some bugs should be fixed, and all the maps come from the verified list of the map tester team, so every map should works nicely.

Seems like it dont.
Planet 428
It seems to be a Map designed for Coop Games. It launches but no ACU spawns. Logs are attached.
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Re: GW Update - 0.10.102 - What's new - 01/12/2014-

Postby Ze_PilOt » 12 Jan 2014, 23:35

You can officially complain the tester :)
Nossa wrote:I've never played GPG or even heard of FA until FAF started blowing up.
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Re: GW Update - 0.10.102 - What's new - 01/12/2014-

Postby rootbeer23 » 13 Jan 2014, 03:26

the link in seems to be outdated
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