I am not sure if this is a true bug or not. When playing the GW you have the news ticker below that shows what has happened in the galaxy. Now if you join a custom game lets say and it takes 20 minutes. When you got back to the GW screen you notice that it is laggy and the news ticker is scrolling super fast so that you can catch up on the news I guess. If you just wait the news ticker catches up and then scrolls by at a normal speed again.
Either way that causes slowdown I have noticed. Here is my FAF logs right after this happened in case that helps for this issue and I took out the game stats because I don't think they are relevant.(it was a custom game not a GW game) I am not entirely sure if this is a true issue. Have others seen this ?
- Code: Select all
2014-01-03 20:57:38,862 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating attacks
2014-01-03 20:57:44,726 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameResult", "chuncks": [1, "victory 8"]}
2014-01-03 20:57:44,734 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameResult", "chuncks": [1, "score 8"]}
2014-01-03 20:57:44,734 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameResult", "chuncks": [3, "score 2"]}
2014-01-03 20:57:44,734 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameResult", "chuncks": [5, "score 0"]}
2014-01-03 20:57:44,734 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameResult", "chuncks": [7, "score 0"]}
2014-01-03 20:57:44,734 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameResult", "chuncks": [9, "score 0"]}
2014-01-03 20:57:44,736 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameResult", "chuncks": [3, "victory 7"]}
2014-01-03 20:57:44,736 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameResult", "chuncks": [1, "score 8"]}
2014-01-03 20:57:44,736 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameResult", "chuncks": [3, "score 7"]}
2014-01-03 20:57:44,736 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameResult", "chuncks": [5, "score 0"]}
2014-01-03 20:57:44,736 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameResult", "chuncks": [7, "score 0"]}
2014-01-03 20:57:44,736 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameResult", "chuncks": [9, "score 0"]}
2014-01-03 20:57:44,736 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameResult", "chuncks": [5, "victory 5"]}
2014-01-03 20:57:44,739 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameResult", "chuncks": [1, "score 8"]}
2014-01-03 20:57:44,740 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameResult", "chuncks": [3, "score 7"]}
2014-01-03 20:57:44,740 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameResult", "chuncks": [5, "score 5"]}
2014-01-03 20:57:44,740 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameResult", "chuncks": [7, "score 0"]}
2014-01-03 20:57:44,740 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameResult", "chuncks": [9, "score 0"]}
2014-01-03 20:57:44,740 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameResult", "chuncks": [7, "victory 5"]}
2014-01-03 20:57:44,740 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameResult", "chuncks": [1, "score 8"]}
2014-01-03 20:57:44,740 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameResult", "chuncks": [3, "score 7"]}
2014-01-03 20:57:44,740 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameResult", "chuncks": [5, "score 5"]}
2014-01-03 20:57:44,740 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameResult", "chuncks": [7, "score 5"]}
2014-01-03 20:57:44,740 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameResult", "chuncks": [9, "score 0"]}
2014-01-03 20:57:44,742 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameResult", "chuncks": [9, "victory 5"]}
2014-01-03 20:57:44,742 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameResult", "chuncks": [1, "score 8"]}
2014-01-03 20:57:44,742 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameResult", "chuncks": [3, "score 7"]}
2014-01-03 20:57:44,742 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameResult", "chuncks": [5, "score 5"]}
2014-01-03 20:57:44,742 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameResult", "chuncks": [7, "score 5"]}
2014-01-03 20:57:44,742 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameResult", "chuncks": [9, "score 5"]}
2014-01-03 20:57:53,739 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating attacks
2014-01-03 20:58:02,953 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector We think we are in this game:
2014-01-03 20:58:02,953 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector self.client.login: Chevalier
2014-01-03 20:58:02,953 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector gameInfo['teams']: {u'1': [u'Chevalier', u'Executioner', u'Zoria67', u'Chosen'], u'2': [u'Bialar_Crais', u'discoverer2k4']}
2014-01-03 20:58:02,953 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector self.uid: 1713761
2014-01-03 20:58:02,953 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector gameInfo['uid']: 1713761
2014-01-03 20:58:02,953 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector {u'featured_mod_versions': {u'10': 18, u'1': 3628, u'3': 3625, u'2': 3628, u'5': 3618, u'4': 3618, u'7': 3628, u'6': 3618, u'9': 3626, u'8': 3626}, u'num_players': 6, u'uid': 1713761, u'title': u'balance +1200', u'quality': 0.12114275991117486, u'game_time': 1388794927.689228, u'game_type': 0, u'state': u'playing', u'access': u'public', u'teams': {u'1': [u'Chevalier', u'Executioner', u'Zoria67', u'Chosen'], u'2': [u'Bialar_Crais', u'discoverer2k4']}, u'mapname': u'wonder 5v5', u'host': u'iNF23_Chico23', u'command': u'game_info', u'featured_mod': u'faf', u'max_players': 10, u'sim_mods': [], u'options': []}
2014-01-03 20:58:02,953 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector Mumble link is active
2014-01-03 20:58:02,953 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector Automatic channel switching disabled
2014-01-03 20:58:04,479 INFO faf.fa.replayrecorder FA disconnected locally.
2014-01-03 20:58:04,480 INFO faf.fa.replayrecorder Waiting for replay transmission to finish: 7 bytes
2014-01-03 20:58:04,486 INFO faf.fa.replayrecorder Found Complete Replay Info
2014-01-03 20:58:04,486 INFO faf.fa.replayrecorder Writing local replay as C:\ProgramData\FAForever\replays\1713761-Chevalier.fafreplay, containing 1811637 bytes of replay data.
2014-01-03 20:58:04,563 INFO faf.fa.replayrecorder closing replay file
2014-01-03 20:58:04,563 DEBUG faf.fa.replayrecorder destructor entered
2014-01-03 20:58:05,006 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": [], "key": "ping"}
2014-01-03 20:58:17,948 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector We think we are in this game:
2014-01-03 20:58:17,950 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector self.client.login: Chevalier
2014-01-03 20:58:17,950 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector gameInfo['teams']: {u'1': [u'Chevalier', u'Executioner', u'Zoria67'], u'2': [u'Bialar_Crais', u'discoverer2k4']}
2014-01-03 20:58:17,950 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector self.uid: 1713761
2014-01-03 20:58:17,950 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector gameInfo['uid']: 1713761
2014-01-03 20:58:17,950 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector {u'featured_mod_versions': {u'10': 18, u'1': 3628, u'3': 3625, u'2': 3628, u'5': 3618, u'4': 3618, u'7': 3628, u'6': 3618, u'9': 3626, u'8': 3626}, u'num_players': 5, u'uid': 1713761, u'title': u'balance +1200', u'quality': 0.12114275991117486, u'game_time': 1388794927.689228, u'game_type': 0, u'state': u'playing', u'access': u'public', u'teams': {u'1': [u'Chevalier', u'Executioner', u'Zoria67'], u'2': [u'Bialar_Crais', u'discoverer2k4']}, u'mapname': u'wonder 5v5', u'host': u'iNF23_Chico23', u'command': u'game_info', u'featured_mod': u'faf', u'max_players': 10, u'sim_mods': [], u'options': []}
2014-01-03 20:58:17,950 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector Mumble link is active
2014-01-03 20:58:17,950 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector Automatic channel switching disabled
2014-01-03 20:58:20,377 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating attacks
2014-01-03 20:58:25,040 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating attacks
2014-01-03 20:58:26,740 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Client: PONG
2014-01-03 20:58:31,411 INFO faf.fa.relayer FA disconnected locally.
2014-01-03 20:58:31,411 INFO faf.fa.proxies disconnecting from proxy server
2014-01-03 20:58:31,411 INFO faf.fa.proxies disconnected from proxy server
2014-01-03 20:58:31,411 INFO faf.fa.relayer remove relay
2014-01-03 20:58:31,413 DEBUG faf.fa.relayer destructor called
2014-01-03 20:58:33,259 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating attacks
2014-01-03 20:58:33,362 INFO faf.client FA has finished with exit code: 0
2014-01-03 20:58:33,362 INFO faf.client Outgoing JSON Message: {"state": "off", "command": "fa_state"}
2014-01-03 20:58:33,362 INFO faf.chat autopostjoin: false
2014-01-03 20:58:33,362 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector gameExit signal
2014-01-03 20:58:33,364 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector Mumble link is active
2014-01-03 20:58:33,364 DEBUG faf.mumbleconnector Automatic channel switching disabled
2014-01-03 20:59:15,494 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating attacks
2014-01-03 20:59:27,763 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Client: PONG
2014-01-03 20:59:41,279 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating attacks
2014-01-03 20:59:42,953 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating attacks
2014-01-03 20:59:54,773 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating attacks
2014-01-03 20:59:54,776 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating attacks
2014-01-03 20:59:57,346 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating attacks
2014-01-03 21:00:01,365 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating attacks
2014-01-03 21:00:28,759 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Client: PONG
2014-01-03 21:00:47,911 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating attacks
2014-01-03 21:01:04,664 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating attacks
2014-01-03 21:01:10,900 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Received player info : victories 6, credits 2000
2014-01-03 21:01:10,900 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating rank interface
2014-01-03 21:01:10,901 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating credit interface
2014-01-03 21:01:10,901 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating victories interface
2014-01-03 21:01:25,607 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating attacks
2014-01-03 21:01:29,765 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Client: PONG
2014-01-03 21:01:47,480 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating attacks
2014-01-03 21:02:29,619 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating attacks
2014-01-03 21:02:30,749 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Client: PONG
2014-01-03 21:02:31,299 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating attacks
2014-01-03 21:02:34,144 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating attacks
2014-01-03 21:03:04,572 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating attacks
2014-01-03 21:03:31,750 DEBUG faf.galacticWar Client: PONG
2014-01-03 21:03:51,301 DEBUG faf.galacticWar updating attacks