Influence is now implemented in GW.
Every 5 minutes, each planet will lose occupation depending of the neighbor planets occupation. (0.5% for each influence % you don't have).
It's probably not clear, so here is an example:
ie. if a planet has 3 links.
Let's say 2 of these links are planets with 100% cybran. One of these is 100% aeon.
It means that the planet is influenced at 66% by cybran and 33% by aeon.
Meaning, in our example :
Cybran will lose 0.17% every 5 minutes.
Aeon will lose 0.335% every 5 minutes.
UEF & Seraphim will lose 0.5% every 5 minutes.
So if the planet was owned at 100% by one faction, they will lose total control over it after :
UEF & Seraphim : 1000 minutes (16 hours and 40 min)
Aeon : 1495 minutes (24 hours and 55 minutes).
Cybran : 2945 minutes ( 49 hours and 5 minutes).
So a planet can be become "neutral" over time.
Numbers are open to balance.
That's the first step toward the final influence system :
This week, Depots will be implemented.
Depots are special planets.
Some planets will be depots by default, but your faction will be able to convert some planets to depot for some money.
Your faction can also dismantle depots they own for money if they think they will lose it.
(only higher ranks of a faction can do that).
They have 3 basic "powers" that can be upgraded.
- Influence.
- Reinforcement.
- money.
Money : The faction will earn money when owning these depots. It will depend of how many friendly planets are linked to it, and the upgrade of the money variable.
ie. a Depot linked to 3 friendly planets with a 100% multiplier will bring 300% more money than the normal amount for that depot.
They will also determine the amount of money your faction can hold, like a bank (you will understand that later).
Reinforcements : The closer your attack/defense is from a that depot, the faster reinforcements will come.
If upgraded, it can decrease even more. (needless to say, default time will be hugely increased).
They will have 4 links of influence (but closer = faster).
Influence : Without upgrade, for each planet linked to it, it will convert the lost control from these linked planets to your control (ie. you are cybran, aeon lost 5% control, you gain 5% for Cybran).
The influence will go further with each upgrade (up to 3 links around the depot).
Also, "overcharge" can be bought for these planets.
Each overcharge last for some hours :
Money : Will boost the money generation.
Reinforcements : Reinforcements times are dramatically decreased, can reach 0.
Influence : Not only you suck influence from nearby planets when they lost it, but you also decrease it more, even for planets that wouldn't be decreased without (ie. you are cybran, all planets linked are 100% aeon, that planet will still lose aeon influence toward cybran).