Rules changelog.

Rules changelog.

Postby Ze_PilOt » 12 May 2013, 18:13

- Attack cost 100 (instead of 50).
- Successful defense or attack is paid 100 (instead of 50).
- Attacking a planet change the % by 10% instead of 20.
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Re: Rules changelog.

Postby Swkoll » 12 May 2013, 18:53

If you want to make the game slower paced why not just double the amount of planets rather than reducing the number of attacks to take them.
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Re: Rules changelog.

Postby Ze_PilOt » 12 May 2013, 19:00

Because it's the alpha and I don't want to redo the galaxy at this point.

And 10% was the value I had it mind, even with a bigger galaxy. I've increased it to 20% due to the low number of player, but it's seems not needed.
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