Here is a layout of how credits will work.
War requires money. It's weird in a world where you can generate ressources from thin air, so the name will maybe be redefined redefined later.
Each day, The system will generate XXX credits. That amount will depend of how many players they are in the game.
Let's take a 100 players game for example.
The game will generate 20000 credits.
Then, the credits are divided equally between factions. So, 5000 credits per faction.
Then, the credits are divided by the number of players in that faction.
ie. if they are :
25 aeons
75 cybran
50 seraphim
50 UEF
Each aeon player will get 200 credits.
Each cybran player will get 66 credits
Each seraphim and UEF player will get 100 credits.
Each faction will also get extra credit (will be defined after some testing) for each extra planet they occupy.
Each planet will have a different value depending of how many connections they have to other planets, and if each of these connections are inside the territory of the faction or not.
(so even if a planet is isolated and have a few connections, it can be interesting to control it to gain more credits because an important planet is connected to it).
On top of that, you will get extra credits depending of your rank. starting at 0% more if you are a soldier, 5% more for each rank.
Defending cost nothing. Attacking requires to hack the gateway network, and will cost credits.
Let's say that attacking a planet will cost 100 credits.
So aeon will be able to attack twice, cybran can only defend (unless more rank or more planets), seraphim and uef one time.
The "recall" function will cost 50 credits to use on defense, 100 on attack.
If you die, you "respawn" with 0 credits and no rank.