Galactic War - Trailer

Re: Galactic War - Trailer

Postby ColonelSheppard » 28 Mar 2013, 02:26

this is version 3.0, fixing all known bugs and testing some new stuff, say what you think

EDIT: part 1 already got it's next rework
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Re: Galactic War - Trailer

Postby anthey » 28 Mar 2013, 09:48

last text (that with page address) in that vid is not in center, it is positioned more left.
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Re: Galactic War - Trailer

Postby ColonelSheppard » 28 Mar 2013, 13:26

anthey wrote:last text (that with page address) in that vid is not in center, it is positioned more left.

thx, fixed

while i am quite happy with the thrid text, i dun like my own desing for the first 2 and i already tryed out quite a few things...
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Re: Galactic War - Trailer

Postby ColonelSheppard » 28 Mar 2013, 17:43

ColonelSheppard wrote:
anthey wrote:last text (that with page address) in that vid is not in center, it is positioned more left.

thx, fixed

while i am quite happy with the thrid text, i dun like my own desing for the first 2 and i already tryed out quite a few things...

i really hope to catch Jultec at some time to talk to him about a FAF logo intro (i'm already using his photoshopwork)
aaand the first two text's will probably go like this (maybe a bit 3D , but we'll see how that would look later)

would be nice to see more people giving their thoughts, when it goes to "aurora op" everybody has to say something too... and it's much more stupid than everything you can say here :mrgreen:
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Re: Galactic War - Trailer

Postby Setna » 29 Mar 2013, 04:27

I think you overused the sound bytes from the single player campaign. Some of those characters were pretty cringe worthy and the don't fit. The sudden change in music from the lobby showcase to the army of bricks coming out of the water (great footage) is jarring and breaks the momentum. Don't use both "a storm is coming" and "galactic war is coming" its kind of redundant. The first desert battle scene isn't very epic and the desert looks flat and ugly in it. The symbols + single word motto is great and should definitely make the final cut. Wasn't the original Unite, cleanse, and liberate?

It seems you have some great art assets and ideas, but I am not seeing a focus or an over arching goal. I typically see two types of trailers:

Story Trailer: Doesn't necessarily focus on story, but I lack a better word for it. This is the typical movie trailer where they piece together exciting tidbits and Morpheus says "welcome to the real world" and you get to see the charred ruins of New York.

Gameplay or Feature Trailer: This is still hype and is filled with one liners like your "Join a player driven community server". Here's a sample of what I mean for an MMORPG:

1. Black screen with accented text reads "Choose your destiny"
2. Flip to shots of the character creation menu and customization options
3. Black screen with accented text reads "Fight alone"
4. Shows player in epic armor surrounded by badass enemies
5. Black screen with accented text reads "Or join with millions"
6. Shows player in epic armor fighting, screen pans over and a wall of other players comes to aid him

The way I look at is the trailer needs to be bait for former SupCom players as well as those who have never heard of it. The latter is trickier. You want to get your story elements out quick:

(intro stuff, THQ symbol, then FAF symbol, then galatic war symbol)
1. Dark Screen with text "The coalition is broken"
2. UEF/cybran fighting when a big force of aeon rush in
3. Dark screen with text "The seraphim are regrouping"
4. Show massive phim base with experimental units
5. the galactic war has begun
6. show galatic map with dozens of worlds (like the map from the SP game), the map shifts (planets changing hands)
8. galatic map zooms in on aeon controlled world
9. Aeon symbol with word "clarity" use aeon soundbyte here
10. shows galactic colossus kicking aarse.
11. *repeat above for all factions using sound bytes which personify the factions goals*
12. More flavor text "Join a player driven community in an epic online battle for galactic domination"
13. GW UI stuff?
13. "Conquer the galaxy"
14. Hordes of units on screen flying around in epic battle formations
15. "or die trying"
16. cybran commander walking away from nuclear explosion in the distance
17. screen goes fuzzy, does the blip out thing (sorry not sure what else to call it)
18. FAF/GW symbols "Sign up for free at" or "coming soon,"

You could also throw in stuff about how its a new online game mode for the critically acclaimed Chris Taylor RTS. How its reminiscent of boneyards for TA. How we don't require more vespene gas and the game isn't decided because I destroyed one of your SCV's at 5 minutes in. lol. You might even want to create two videos one which is more feature intensive and the other which is more hype and story. I think you could build a neat 2 minute audio visual story based off the brackman quote "I have a mission for you, oh yes"

I guess my point is your design needs more focus and specific goals. What information do you want to convey? What information will attract players attention? If your trying to tell the story of why you should play FAF GW then the soundbytes, music, and footage must be cohesive and relate to one another. Hope that helps.
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Re: Galactic War - Trailer

Postby ColonelSheppard » 29 Mar 2013, 12:57

I already thought about replacing the qai/nrackman statements from the very beginnning, as they are actually a relict from an earlier version, and especially with the current text styles maybe not the right thing, i will have to show it more people and ask them specificly about that but without any voice and only the music.. i dunno, i dont like that

the terms, yeah, you know i'm not native english speaking, i only translate the terms i figure out in my language to english and that would have been something like "bricht an" (b) and "zieht auf" (z), so terms is something people have to suggest me

there is no desert battle in the beginn except the units firing the missle volley (which is a ~4s part) it's the start, i doesnt need to be epic already as the GW part is coming just behind it, but if you want to suggest another sequence your very wellcome

4. music and the picture is kind of a placerholder as it say on the top

the rest, sorry with this you are too too late, i wont change the whole concept now as it would smply be too much work, that something you could have said when i started a month ago, i 'm not looking for concepts anymore i'm looking for suggestions that fit the current concept or the placeholder or can replace a part (there are 3 it's easy to notice the breaks right now)

If you want to voice act to replace some of the quotes, nice, but again only music is not viable, i tried it

again, i have basicly 3 open text windows + the two at the start + one more in the middle and we will find places if you really want to have something in
i can futuremore upload the campain audio stuff (maybe) and you can suggest terms from there if you want

i wont make two, thats why some things have to be covered in one

thx for telling me these things, would be nice if you could be a bit mroe specific with specific suggestions, because the things i firued out, are the best i can figure out, so if you have better ideas (and i'm sure you have) it would be cool if you could add them
thanks very much for your feeedback
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Re: Galactic War - Trailer

Postby Nombringer » 29 Mar 2013, 13:01

To be honest, I really like the sound bytes, however I do agree with the music change.
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Re: Galactic War - Trailer

Postby ColonelSheppard » 30 May 2013, 18:33


- still im unsure if Purity or Clarity
- im still waiting for Jultec to make the Intro he promised, since he said "next weekend" for about 8 times i doubt he will actually do so i either do it myself or somebody with better aftereffects/photoshop skills does it
- as you know there is a free part in the middle of the vid i would like to show the UI there but i dun really know how
1. How can i convince the MSI Afterburner to capture desktop?
2. If nobody knows, somebody with full XSplit version may do that for me
3. do you have better ideas what to put there or ideas how to show the galaxy?
- music, the middle music was one of the main critic points, it's maybe we can change it, if you have suggesions for a new music in this part this is the time to post now

I think it would be cool if the Trailer could be finished within the next month, i know thats sounds far away but it's still some work to be done, and time is running.

On final note, i can make the trailer be french/german within a few click (thx to multi language files in SC ;) )
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Re: Galactic War - Trailer

Postby IceDreamer » 30 May 2013, 18:57

OK, so I've spent a LOT of time over the years watching and breaking down game and film trailers, both official and fanmade, and I've got some things I'd like to see which would go a long way to upping the polish on this.

1 - You've got a fair few good voice clips, but currently they almost all seem ill-timed because the person speaking rarely matches up to what is happening on screen. You have QAI speaking while you pan over a large group of Percivals, and other similar oddities. When QAI says the UEF is going to lose the war to the Aeon, you should show a battle between UEF and Aeon forces with the Aeon rolling over the UEF with ease.

2 - Without doubt the best SupCom video of all time is Angel Supreme. The things that make it great are the great music, music with orchestral instruments and a good beat, not too heavy on the drum, and a good, solid melody. In my experience, most popular music from the last 5 years has been crap for this, so I recommend finding a track from Two Steps from Hell or Audiomachine (I will go in search of tracks I think suitable). Make sure that your visuals are synced to the music.

Additionally, Rake picked clips which never ever seemed artificial. They almost all comprised of a good mixture of units in large battles, instead of the rather dull shots you have picked up of dozens of Percivals/Bricks/Whatever all lined up in a grid. That doesn't send a good message about what this game IS.

3 - For the Seraphim's lack of a voice line meaning you don't have their symbol and phrase, I suggest finding clips of the other characters talking about the Seraphim, and use those over scenes of Seraphim armies kicking butt.

4 - I've already PMed Sheppard with my thoughts, but what do others think of my ideas for the Seraphim and Nomads themes?

Aeon - Purity (Fits far far better than clarity, as the Aeon really aren't seeking clarity, they are seeking conformance from all to their religion)
Seraphim - Dominion
Nomads - Rebirth

I feel both fit very nicely into describing what the faction wants from its quest.

5 - In this age of fast internet and increasing graphical fidelity, prospective players are going to demand quality, even from a community project like this. As such, the final product must be produced and recorded natively at a MINIMUM of 1920*1080. For capturing scenes ingame I suggest you use Rake's method: He maxed all the graphics settings, including AA, then captured the game footage at -10 simspeed, then sped the footage back up to real-time in the editing software. This allowed his not-so-powerful machine to render the game at the best it can possibly look, with no hiccups, and meant even the very very largest battles happen in real-time in the video.

As an added offer, if you need any 2D, non-animated stuff doing, I have a fair amount of graphics manipulation experience in Photoshop CS6. I can't paint anything from scratch really, but manipulating existing stuff I can do very nicely.
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Re: Galactic War - Trailer

Postby IceDreamer » 30 May 2013, 19:39

I'm going to make this a double-post to set this one apart from the above. These are my suggestions of some tracks to look at.

"Immediate Music - Destiny Of The Chosen" transitioning into "Pfeifer Broz. - Glacial Supremacy" as is used 0:00 > 1:59 > 2:26 in this video put together by Sindrannaras.
Spoiler: show

"Mark Petrie - Kara Kul"
Spoiler: show

"Craig Armstrong - Storm"
Spoiler: show

"Hans Zimmer - An Ideal Hope"
Spoiler: show
Last edited by IceDreamer on 31 May 2013, 05:14, edited 2 times in total.
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