This is in regards to some of the "bugs" that were fixed in FAF:
The "bugfix" of the oblivion turret, removing the muzzle charge, subtracts from the factional diversity of the game. There was already a solution to that problem that didn't involve removing a feature that defined the weapon. It is here:
The "bugfix" that made the cybran particle cannon "more useful" also subtracts from the diversity of the factions and seems a bit buggy itself. The new projectile tracks its target (wut?) and will spin around the map really fast if it misses its target in a bizarre way. The fix for the particle beam beams was to set FiringTolerance = 0 and to fix the target bones of the units, not remove the beam entirely. This also removes the defining characteristic of the weapon.
Another, less important one is setting PrefersPrimaryWeaponTarget = true. This causes units that have weapons that can't all aim at the same point (Fatboy, Continental, front 2 guns on the Aeon T2 air tansport, etc.) to be unable to use all their weapons at the same time. It prevents heavy units from efficiently spreading their fire, like the Cybran ACU with the MLG upgrade.