by Oygron » 30 Jul 2014, 21:41
I'll go with some quick tips about units on Supcom here.
- To import animations (.sca), you have to have already loaded a model on Blender, either the corresponding mesh (.scm), or a custom mesh of your own, with the bones corresponding in names with the animation bones (each bone named in the animation must have a corresponding one with the same name in the mesh).
- When creating a new unit, the central bone (parent of all other bones of the armature) of the unit MUST have the same name as the unit
- All vertices must be in "Vertex Group", and each vertex group must have the name of a bone. If some vertices are not moving, just give assign them to the group with the central bone as bonename.
- An animation must be associated with an action (see the NLA editor).
- When exporting, the script will assume the unit name (and so the .scm filename) from the central bone, and the filename for the animation from the action name in Blender (can be seen in the NLA editor). So you'll have only to select the output folder, filenames will be deduced (I hope to change that later, making only a name default value that the user can change).
My objective is to complete the mod unit creation article on the Supcom Wikia (again, still not been on here long enough to post URLs). It will be more detailed that here, but that won't be for a few weeks.
You can also get lots of tips by looking on the Gaspowered forum (link in the post from Scoot) in the "Mod Development and Discussion" -> "Modeling, Texturing, & Animation" section (there is even a thread on Blender, using the old version of Blender, but all is still valid).
If you don't know Blender yet, I'm afraid that it is "a bit" too complex to explain it here, you'll have to go through tuts and learn modeling and animation before being able to modify units.