Hi All,
I started playing faf recently, and having not played FA for years, and wanting to learn unit stats, costs etc I hit the Unit DB. I have found it a bit slow to find units, so I have whipped up a concept which I think makes the DB a lot easier to use and would appreciate any feedback on it.
It's by no means completed, not all the units are in there (some 503 errors on current unitdb, haven't got proper data access or anything) and I've intentionally left a lot of the details out for proof of concept.
the main things are:
- Unit data in popup rather than separate page
- Units grouped by type rather than race, I think this makes them easier to find.
- Compare function which does basic stats comparisons. nothing fancy.
so if you have a few minutes check out unitdb.solarflare.co.nz and post constructive feedback here.
(won't let me post links)