To-Do List

Post here if you want to help developing something for FAF.

To-Do List

Postby Exotic_Retard » 05 May 2014, 10:48

This is the unofficial list of things that would be great if they were done!
If you want to help but are unsure of what to do, this is the right place.
If you are already working on a contribution, make sure that you are on here, and be sure to contact anyone else who is also working on the same thing if you see it.
If you are actually going to help then there are some important things you should read in this whole post.

In no particular order:

-- Make Challenge maps --
Spoiler: show
Current Contributor: SAKO_X/Exotic_Retard
~10% done
There is a list of maps to make, no designing required, when all the maps on the list are done, this is finished; one is done so far.

-- Check IceDreamers Unit Descriptions --
Spoiler: show
Current Contributor: IceDreamer
The descriptions need someone to read through them and confirm that they are correct and report any mistakes
look on page 2 of the thread., correct any mistakes and give suggestions to him for: hints, tips, extra information that can be added.

-- Mod: Display reclaim values of wrecks --
Spoiler: show
Current Contributor: Noone
Create a mod that shows reclaim values of wrecks on mouseover, doesnt update value unless its in vision radius.

-- Design some new graphical icons for GW
Spoiler: show
Current Contributor: Noone
unknown% example of icons to change
Create icons in the display area to replace some of GW swirls and also icons for depots and such things in the map view.

-- Test Maps for GW
Spoiler: show
Current Contributor: IceDreamer , other map testers
Test maps to make sure they are working correctly, IceDreamer has started re-testing them; he will ask for help when its needed.

-- Test Nomads mod
Spoiler: show
Current Contributor: Ithilis_Quo
A nice thing to do! Just play nomads games, submit bug reports there and tested imbalances.

-- Contribute replays for awesome/fail videos
Spoiler: show
Current Contributor: ColonelSheppard
Its never done!
IF you see something stupid or awesome, post there with replay, time, location, description of what happened, it might get put up on youtube!

-- Test RK4000's explosions mod
Spoiler: show
Current Contributor: RK4000
Its never done!
Simply play games with this mod enabled. current version is v6 (as of 7pm 5/5/14) report any bugs and suggestions to the thread.

-- Complete conversion of the remaining 4 campaign missions
Spoiler: show
Current Contributor: Noone
Finish converting the cybran campaign missions, there are only 4 to do, refer to thread for more details.

-- Help with the publication of Strategic Icons Mod
Spoiler: show
Current Contributor: Shadows
Shadows would like some help with this. Ask him for more details.

-- 1v1 Challenge System
Spoiler: show
Current Contributor: Noone
Create a 1v1 challenge system, try to minimise breakages and exploitability.

-- Add Private Clan sections
Spoiler: show
Current Contributor: Noone
no link
Transcribed from Ze_PilOt: Currently the only way to do this is manually, which takes too much time for 10-12 clans. Zep doesnt know how to do this, but its possible to create a script that does this automattically. One way to link FAFusername to forumname is through the user control panel. The website is written in php.

-- Look at improving the mod vault
Spoiler: show
Current Contributor: Noone
no link
Look at the Mod Vault code and find a way to improve the system as a whole. Re-write if necessary. We are looking for ways of making mods visible, better version handling, rated blacklist/whitelist status. Other things too if you can think of them.

-- Look at improving the map vault
Spoiler: show
Current Contributor: Noone
no link
Look at the Map Vault. We are looking for possible improvements to the way they are displayed, and the ability to put a black mark and a comment against a map which is explicitly unfair or cheaty. Such marks will be investigated, and the guilty maps removed.

-- Autobalance button in the lobby.
Spoiler: show
Current Contributor: Noone
no link
Basically you click it, and it uses your global ratings to shift players around into a balanced state. Does not take account of slots/positions.

If you are Ze_PilOt, post to say "this is a nice list" or "this sucks get rid of it", and if you like it, add your own list of things that you want done, as you know the most about what you want :P

This is an unofficial list, I havent asked anyone in making this, so its likely that your work wont be recognized, and some people may not want you to help them at all.
You should also NOT expect: any help, any guidance, any recognition, your work to be accepted immediately, or at all.
Basically dont expect anything, youre working for free with no reward, but hoping for all of the above is acceptable :)
Also: your work has to be of a high standard and once done, can be submitted in its own thread which this list should link to.
Above all: this is intended as a list to reduce some certain peoples work load, so DONT bug Ze_PilOt for anything. Bugging other people is ok!
Last edited by Exotic_Retard on 04 Aug 2014, 22:49, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: To-Do List

Postby IceDreamer » 05 May 2014, 18:33

Please Add/Change the following:

My unit descriptions are 90% done. I need the existing ones posted on page 2 of my thread to be looked over for A: Mistakes and B: Things like hints, tips, extra information which can be added.

Mention RK4000's Explosion's Mod. It needs as many people to not only test it, but to post their opinion in his thread on here about what is good/bad/sucks/amazing, and make suggestions for further improvement.

I am re-testing the maps because I can do it systematically, I can add more stringent criteria, and I trust myself. I will probably post requests for mappers to make any changes I can't be bothered to myself.
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Re: To-Do List

Postby Shadows » 06 May 2014, 12:08

Check out my UI mod; It's called 'Advanced Strategic Icons' and its main purpose is to accommodate the strategic icons for higher resolutions while improving readability and visual distinction. It comes with a one-click installer that it's also a size switcher (Small, Medium or Large) with an in-game preview button.

The icons retains the classic symbols for the most part except for the really confusing ones like the engineer symbol (Replaced with a wrench sign) and the stealth generator (Replaced with an eye sign):

Comparison.gif (3.05 KiB) Viewed 4965 times

Often, in the midst of battle you dont have the time to read the inner simbol of every structure just so you could find where are the base defences; that's when the indicators comes into play. The indicators are edge marks that indicates the type of the defence and its tech level:

Static defences.gif
Static defences.gif (1.36 KiB) Viewed 4965 times

Is this mod suitable for the list?
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Re: To-Do List

Postby IceDreamer » 06 May 2014, 14:37

I'd say not, because it's already finished, or so close to finished no additional help is needed. This list is for people looking for things to DO to help out and give them an idea of where to begin.
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Re: To-Do List

Postby Shadows » 06 May 2014, 16:13

IceDreamer wrote:I'd say not, because it's already finished, or so close to finished no additional help is needed. This list is for people looking for things to DO to help out and give them an idea of where to begin.
Understandable, but I still need help with its publication.
I get a lot of positive feedback and it seems that a fair amount of players use it but at the current time those people are mostly from the mod section of this forum..
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Re: To-Do List

Postby Exotic_Retard » 06 May 2014, 17:25

so.. you want help with its publication? ok
give more details or your point will be vague :P
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Re: To-Do List

Postby Shadows » 06 May 2014, 20:02

SAKO_X wrote:so.. you want help with its publication? ok
give more details or your point will be vague :P

I'm not exactly sure how it could be done, this mod is not compatible with the mod vault and so people can't find it easily like the other mods while I didn't find any central place in FAF's main page for non-vault mods.
I guess that the only thing that can be done right now is to suggest the mod in the lobby, between friends or when people make posts about icons or casting.. and that reminds me - doing casts with this mod would help - a lot!
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Re: To-Do List

Postby IceDreamer » 06 May 2014, 22:27

If people want a mod like yours they will find it. I think the reason you aren't seeing many use it is because the demand is significantly lower than you might believe; I for one have no trouble at all reading the symbols in the middle of battle, and I never, ever get them mixed up. They're instinctive now. Changing them would be stupid for me...
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Re: To-Do List

Postby Shadows » 06 May 2014, 23:39

IceDreamer wrote:If people want a mod like yours they will find it. I think the reason you aren't seeing many use it is because the demand is significantly lower than you might believe; I for one have no trouble at all reading the symbols in the middle of battle, and I never, ever get them mixed up. They're instinctive now. Changing them would be stupid for me...
I dont think I understand the context of your message.
Have you read my previuos posts?
I wrote quite clearly that the reason I thought about promoting the mod is because I do see many who use it (more then 1000 downloads for all versions) and that I get a lot of positive feedback. :mrgreen:
The latest version alone was downloaded 437 times..
Why on earth would I think about promoting a mod if I didn't saw anyone who use it?

The problem is that its all on the local forum scale. There are a lot of players who dont even know there is a forum.
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Re: To-Do List

Postby nine2 » 07 May 2014, 02:29

Shadow's mod has a huge fanbase. It could be integrated or at least described on the what's new page. Or why can't you just upload it to the mod vault shadow?

Another very popular mod is Domino's Priority Markers. Here you can see 7 pages of people saying they think it's awesome and would like it integrated. Unfortunately it cannot be a ui mod. Basically you get to indicate which units to shoot at and which ones to ignore, which is handy for example when you have a monkey lord in their base. The mod is already built, but its not integrated and I have no idea what would be involved in doing that.

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