So You Want to Help Ze_PilOt Develop FAF?

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So You Want to Help Ze_PilOt Develop FAF?

Postby Vicarian » 19 Apr 2013, 20:55

You may be wondering, how can I contribute to this awesome project and help Ze_PilOt out? But, you may not know where to start. Well, here's how:

First, download Python 2.7 (the language FAF is written in) here:

You'll need to install it before continuing. Once it's installed, you'll need to tell your computer where it can find Python. To do this, you need to find your My Computer icon and right click it, then click on Properties. In the window that pops up, find "Advanced System Settings" and click on that. When that box opens, click on the Environment Variables button at the bottom. When that box opens, you'll see a list of stuff. In the second part of the window, under System variables, find a key called "Path." Highlight this and click Edit... then go to the end of that line and type a semicolon, followed by the path where you installed Python to. If you accepted all the defaults, it'll be C:\Python27\. Click OK when you're finished, then OK again on the Environment Variables window.

You've by now successfully installed Python and your system knows where to find python.exe. Now what?

You'll need to get yourself a way of retrieving a copy of FAFs files so you can modify them. For that, you'll need to install Git and TortoiseHG. Git can be retrieved from ... 130201.exe and Tortoise can be retrieved from ... .2-x64.msi. Install both of those and if you need help during installation, refer to their respective documentations. It's outside the scope of this guide.

Now that you have a way to get Ze_PilOt's files, how do you actually make changes and test them?

Ze_PilOt didn't just use the base Python libraries to build FAF. APIs were downloaded and installed to assist with FAFs development. You'll want to download and install the following APIs for Python:

- PyQt4 with QT 4.7.2: ... .4-x32.exe
- Python Win32Api: ... -py2.7.exe
- Py2Exe: ... -py2.7.exe
- Numpy: ... hon2.7.exe
- Scipy: ... hon2.7.exe
- Python matplotlib: ... -py2.7.exe
- FreeImagePy: ... ll.tar.bz2
- bsdiff: If you have FAF installed, you already have this file. It is the bsdiff.pyd file in FAFs install directory. Simply copy and paste that into the src directory of the clone you have of Ze_PilOt's repo.

Note that all of these files are 32-bit distributions. I tried a 64 bit version of Python along with 64-bit versions of the libraries, but had to stop when I found a library that didn't exist in 64-bit.

By now, you should have everything so that you can navigate a command line window to the directory you downloaded your clone, run python and FAF should run its development version.

Happy coding!
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Re: So You Want to Help Ze_PilOt Develop FAF?

Postby Ze_PilOt » 19 Apr 2013, 21:00

Very nice thanks :)
Nossa wrote:I've never played GPG or even heard of FA until FAF started blowing up.
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Re: So You Want to Help Ze_PilOt Develop FAF?

Postby LittleInferno » 23 Jul 2013, 20:59

I want ,i also start again the 3d max works and some coding, and got some friends that understood code programing language,but how can i test it then?
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Re: So You Want to Help Ze_PilOt Develop FAF?

Postby Pierto » 24 Jul 2013, 17:55

This last important step should be added: copy the 'uid.dll' file from the FAF install directory into the src directory of the clone you have of Ze_PilOt's repo.

Otherwise you get a weird dll error when running
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Re: So You Want to Help Ze_PilOt Develop FAF?

Postby RoLa » 01 Aug 2013, 10:09

I read somthing about a dev mode. How do i start the faf-client in dev mode?
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Re: So You Want to Help Ze_PilOt Develop FAF?

Postby Ze_PilOt » 01 Aug 2013, 10:23

There is no dev mode.
Starting with "python" skip some version checking in the client (and write "development mode" instead of the version number), but that's all.
Nossa wrote:I've never played GPG or even heard of FA until FAF started blowing up.
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Re: So You Want to Help Ze_PilOt Develop FAF?

Postby Kof » 04 Sep 2013, 20:31

I can help with some backend dev if required. I'm not a web developer and don't have any interest in getting into it.

I've used Perl a lot so I should be able to pick up Python quickly enough. I usually use Oracle, but I should be able to port to MySQL.

Let me know by pm or email (Zep would have the address I suppose) if you want me to look at anything.
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Re: So You Want to Help Ze_PilOt Develop FAF?

Postby Dragonfire » 26 Dec 2013, 14:58

Is there any bugtracker or Task/ToDo List?
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Re: So You Want to Help Ze_PilOt Develop FAF?

Postby Herbert » 07 Feb 2014, 16:49


Here's my contribution on how to improve the game:

Maslows Hierarchy of Needs
All human beings have psychological needs they seek to fill in their daily lives. These needs are arranged into a pyramid with all people starting at the bottom level. If the needs in that level are met they progress up to the next level and so on. Eventually (and if all needs are met) they reach self-actualisation at the top of the pyramid. This is an advanced state of mind where people are highly motivated. Unfortunately game designers arent usually psychologicals so they dont plan their software around Maslows Hierarchy of Needs.'s_h ... y_of_needs

Physiological Needs - These are short-term survival needs (food, water, etc). Nothing FAF can do about them.
Safety Needs - These are long-term survival needs (private health insurance, job security, etc). Northing FAF can do about them.
Love/Belonging - The chat room on FAF allows people to develop friendships online. Thats a good start. However there is no sense of belonging. There used to be on gpgnet with people signing up the clans. Its missing from FAF. Maybe tying it into Facebook too would help fill peoples social needs.
Esteem - This levels needs are self-esteem, ego, confidence, achievement, respect of others, respect from others. People with high ranks will have all these needs filled to a degree. However not the lower and normal ranks. For them they will be stuck at this level demotivating many of them and putting them off the game. When people are being educated there are different awards for their level of ability (GCSES up to degrees). It isnt just the brightest that get awarded a certifcate! For the top performers instead of just giving them an avatar you could develop a cult of personality around them sending their esteem into orbit. The aim should be win-win so all people (or as many as possible) get their esteem needs met.
Self-Actualisation - At this level people are highly motivated and go out to live up to their full potential. FA allows that as the game is kind of a sandbox environment. The modders that make game contributions are likely here too even if they didnt reach self-actualisation through the game but through some other aspect of their lives.

Only 5% of the population are in self-actualisation. Designing the game to guide more to it will mean they develop an emotional attachment to the game. It will increase the funds you guys receive for FAF as they wont want it to disappear.

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Re: So You Want to Help Ze_PilOt Develop FAF?

Postby Herbert » 07 Feb 2014, 17:07

I also add that by cult of personality I mean develop FAF so your top performers all have their own space, achievements, top matches and even photos (if they choose). Then go the full works and Kim Jong il them (make them feel worshipped).

Other ego ideas:
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