the "COUNTERINTELOVERLAY" class seems to be bugged, i noticed that this can only be change by superhard workaround with multiple ghost units with stealth around the original unit (it lags like wtf if you got 10 of them)
cause of that i suggest another workaround: using the "Buildrange" ("REPAIR") overlay instead (it has a quite similar colour but ofc you can not enable it by the global overlays)
would work like that:
Categories = {
'OVERLAYCOUNTERINTEL', //get rid of that one
'REPAIR', //ad this
Economy = {
BuildCostEnergy = 800,
BuildCostMass = 80,
BuildTime = 400,
MaintenanceConsumptionPerSecondEnergy = 25,
MaxBuildDistance = 17.5, //ad this
TeleportEnergyMod = 0.15,
TeleportMassMod = 1,
TeleportTimeMod = 0.01,
and set this from 18 to:
Intel = {
RadarStealth = true,
RadarStealthFieldRadius = 20,
SonarStealthFieldRadius = 20,
VisionRadius = 16,
a circle displayed sowing the correct stealthradius
stealthradius would be as big as suposed to be (18)
you cannot enable "counterintelligence" as global overlay anymore (means you have to click the unit if you want to see the circle)
the colour of the circle will be the one of the buildradius (it's a similar colour but not the same)
my own opinion is that it is logical that if you have ONE circle around a stealthfield, it's the stealthcircle and not a buildrange circle
ofc the stealthfield can not build support or repair something although it has a buildrange then