The game version distributed by FAForever depends on code originally written by GPG and therefore copyrighted.
Our developer community does not have the knowledge and power to rewrite the whole game code under a free license. The original code was modified in multiple points to enable hooking in of custom code, so that we do not need to modify
that many original files. And we only distribute those files that we have changed. But that doesn't matter. Strictly speaking, a single file containing a single line of copyrighted code would be enough to cause legal issues.
As such the idea is not to stop modifying the files, but to alter the way we bring the modified file onto the user's computer.
So instead of downloading the modified file from the FAF servers, in the future, you will only download the binary difference between the file that is on your computer and the file we want you to have on your computer. The assembling of the desired file will happen locally on the user's computer.
The additional complexity here is that there is more than one version of Forged Alliance installed on people's computers. There are multiple retail versions (the original, a gold edition, steam edition, etc.) which contains different versions. So before we can start to distribute patches we also need to make sure that all users work on the same baseline code.
This is basically what I am trying to achieve with my project
deltaforge. I have updated the readme to give a little more insight on how it's going to work.