Ugly T3 land numbers

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Ugly T3 land numbers

Postby Ithilis_Quo » 15 Apr 2015, 01:02

T3 land factory was original with 80 build power, then was by engy mode buffed for 90build power (for have more important factory as suported engy). but build time on most of T3 units stay unattached. In result nearly all T3 units have very ugly number as 53,2s, -17,81533mas/sec -203,68e/s (open game and check it). It need correcting for something that would lock esthetic and fill idea of same cost per second on same unit type and tech. But this need rewrite most of T3 units and use brain for stay on same resource and dont touch balance, also it would stay with ugly number on T2 units builded with T3 factory.


Easy solution take back build power on T3 land from 90bp to 80bt, and correct few units that was rewrited and after which writer lose patient to continue.. if that work would be integrate, i can do it. 10bp differences is less as one assisting t2enginer what on T3 is nothing visible

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Imho 90bt is mistake, what make no sense and avoid system.
bt on T3 air = T2x3
bt on T2 air = T1x2

bt on T3 navy= T2x3
bt on T2 navy= T1x2

bt on T3 land= T2x2,25 3 is more logical, but would lead on same problem that must be rewrited all units, where on 2x stay pretty number also on T2
bt on T2 land= T1x2
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Re: Ugly T3 land numbers

Postby IceDreamer » 15 Apr 2015, 04:59

I don't see any need to change things due to unwieldy numbers. Balance should be based on... Well, balance. Not this. 10 bp may not seem like a lot but when you start talking about, for instance, the time it means for a T3 Support factory on the front lines to get the first Brick out unassisted, 10bp makes quite a noticeable difference.
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Re: Ugly T3 land numbers

Postby Ithilis_Quo » 15 Apr 2015, 08:09

that seems like you dont understood me. It would not change balance of units. only correct bad number

build time of units would be corrected for same balance, but would be build on 50s insted of 53.333
seriously on with time is harbiringer supost to be build? with time yuu except from brick/loayalist/artilery..? how much its supost to drain per sec?

harb/outhum was added more build time for be build on same 40s as before buff factory, on other units its supost be same add build time, for be build on same time as before, but for make assisting enginer less effective. But because 10 is not something important on T3 would be infinite more simply corecting it back to 80 and dont rewrite so many units for new system.

this change was done for nerf assisting enginer to T3 factory, nothing else, It was not for lowering build time on units, only nerf enginer
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Re: Ugly T3 land numbers

Postby Apofenas » 15 Apr 2015, 10:39

Seriously? Ugly numbers? And what? I don't understand how is that can be the issue at all? Ofc if you don't want to see them, you could ask to mod FAF the way, so you personally would pay 1500 mass for percival and build it for 60 seconds, just because this number looks awesome, while everybody else would have things standard "ugly" way.
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Re: Ugly T3 land numbers

Postby ZLO_RD » 15 Apr 2015, 11:37

Oh, ok, so if you change build time of units, that will change assit efficiency
and if you change factory build power, it will kinda change balance in a way that Ice_Dreamer said...

tbh i also do not like weird numbers :(
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Re: Ugly T3 land numbers

Postby Ithilis_Quo » 15 Apr 2015, 17:58

Cmon people. i start be sick from this opinion..

this is pure mistake, what was done be zep - it is not by sacred supcom developer. It dont make any sense have build power what is not divisible by lower tech and what is not divisible by units build time. Also better is have 120 build power, because then it is divisible by lower tech. but then it need rewrite all units...

and no you would not have percival cost 1500 mas you would have percival cost maybe 1284 instead of 1280 (as you have pillar cost 197)-> when it stay on 90. or have it cost 1280 as its supost to be, but drain -16m/sec with 3,33333less second for build. This is not problem make, it would not change balance in any way. Like seriously, when this would be in some way in some mode all would screw whot the f*** was do it.. Why was then time of harbringer/outhum changed and titan and percival not? harb was before engimode built time that was 40s and now is also 40s. titan not. why ? because zep who do it, dont finish it, because its plenty of work rewrite all units

why its wrong as it is?
- because its ugly
- because it is also ugly on all non-divisible lower tech
- because when you would be master pro you cant precise calcul number of mex for number of factory, because all units drain different reasource.
- because its unpredictable -> did you know answer on my question how many second is needed for build titan/T3 artilery/brick?
- because isnt nothing for why it is good for
Last edited by Ithilis_Quo on 15 Apr 2015, 18:18, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ugly T3 land numbers

Postby Ithilis_Quo » 15 Apr 2015, 18:03

ZLO_RD wrote:Oh, ok, so if you change build time of units, that will change assit efficiency
and if you change factory build power, it will kinda change balance in a way that Ice_Dreamer said...

tbh i also do not like weird numbers :(

did you have notice some differences in balance when it come ? Im sure that not. because when you have cheap support factory. mount of 2t1 engy (108mass) absoluthly doesnt mater

Apofenas wrote:Seriously? Ugly numbers? And what? I don't understand how is that can be the issue at all? Ofc if you don't want to see them, you could ask to mod FAF the way, so you personally would pay 1500 mass for percival and build it for 60 seconds, just because this number looks awesome, while everybody else would have things standard "ugly" way.

kiding ? You have NON STANDARD ->ugly way. This number is not standard, thas a reason why are ugly, standard it T2 factory where units cost -9m/s -45e/s or -60e/s T1 factory drain -4m/s -20e/s and any of then dont have something as -7,5685m/s or -203,54857685486 e/s why -> because its not standard!
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Postby Zoram » 15 Apr 2015, 19:11

I'm not sure to understand most of what you're trying to say.

Are you saying that the problem is that numbers are not nice to look at ?
who looks at numbers ? it's units of time, who cares ?

As to predictions by "master players", is Rain Man amongst us ? If he is, I'm sure he can multiply and divide any kind of ugly number ;)
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Re: Ugly T3 land numbers

Postby IceDreamer » 15 Apr 2015, 19:52

The point, Ithilis, is that ugly numbers are 100% meaningless. The 'Patterns' from T1 to T2 to T3 are irrelevant. If you change them, balance will shift. The fact is that yes, you're right, changing them in the first place was not done scientifically, but there has been such a long time since then in which the game has been balanced around those figures, and the balance is now pretty good.

Ugly numbers should never be the trigger or influence for gameplay change. Gameplay should be the trigger, and while there are problems with gameplay, too much buildpower on T3 Land Factories is not one of them.
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Re: Ugly T3 land numbers

Postby Ithilis_Quo » 15 Apr 2015, 20:07

omffffffffg. When acu would have 11486 hp ? Doest it mather that its 14hp less? none would see that it have 14hp less as 11500 would it be problem for balance have acu with 14less hp? NO! It would be same.
IceDreamer wrote:ugly numbers are 100% meaningless
would it be good to change it -> for 11500 ? YES! and your argument line "NO because it change balance, and because none care about 14hp differences acu with 11486hp is actual perfectly balanced"

Would it be good have percival with 9312hp? brick with 8967 hp? pillar with 1513hp ? Woud it matther ? No its same.. would you want to change it? IM SURE THAT YES!

That stop be heroic defender of trash decision that ZEP do and was lazy finish it.
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