Hi i was just having a few games where i needed to play with mongoose. I got the problem radar was destroyed and scoots are turning very slow and are dead all the time. There i noticed something that would improve handling of Sparkies as scouts and battle pioneers. It would be nice if they are always with their tank group for providing a radar and if they are needed for reclaim you can do this manually or for fast building shields.
My suggestion:
Sparky should be handled like a normal tank when selecting. If you make group select then you automatically select sparky as well. Then you have them always with mongoose for example as support.
There should be a green function button on sparky (alike for example shield switch on/off) which is changing the properties of sparky to an engineer so if you want to use them for building pd somewhere you can change the switch for functionality and those will not be selected together with tanks. But standart should be fighting unit, because then they are always there where you need them. And you can use them as a really good t2 scout unit even with jamming. Light gun radar jamming fast turn rate and speed thats an invitation to use them as t2 battle scouts isnt it?