This topic is for discussion of possible engymod improvements.
One problem some people mentioned in the past is that t2 and t3 slavefactories allow for very fast tech everywhere on the map.
One suggestion I have read from someone is to give HQs a new range indicator and only allow higher tech slavefactories inside that range but to me it felt not very fleshed out so I came up with a more advanced solution:
Give both the HQ and the slavefactories a range indicator and allow the slavefactories to relay the signal of the HQ.
So that salvefactories can be upgraded as long as they in range of the HQ or other slavefacs that have a connection to a HQ. The range could be along the lines of at1 radar or t2 artillery t2 radar, so it's large enough to cover quite some gaps but not too much. It adds strategic depth because you have the choice between building a HQ or have some slavefactories to relay from another HQ and then build a higher tech slavefactory. The first one is more expensive but can't be denied as easy because if one of the factories in between is destroyed you can't build higher techs in the slave-t2/t3 factory.
So, what do you think about this idea or do you have other ideas to improve engymod further?