Hi guys.
Just a small topic about this particular piece of cybran hardware.
As it currently stands, HARMS are a "build one, buy time until enemy gets a battleship", because ground fire bizzarely counters these. (Or they can just get tmld twice. lel)
In the mission they are introduced, it is clearly stated that they aren't meant to be killable by anything but torpedoes as they are "anchored to the seabed".
This applies to other submerged units as well. Does it make sense that you can ground-fire submarines? Was this really what was meant to happen?
If they worked as intended, what would that do for the game?
NB: (im not sure if its even possible coding wise, another simpler workaround is simply calling it a bannable bug)
Let's assume this change is made. They can now only be killed by torpedoes/depth charges. Are they balanced vs other things of similar mass?
What my limited discussions have brought up is perhaps in return for no longer being groundfireable (if one is even needed given their intended design), that their health be reduced. Reason being that it means torpedo bombers, their presumable intended answer, can actually do something about them. At the same time, not to the point that they are mass inefficient vs the likes of t3 sub hunters perhaps.
1) Harms currently useless beyond buying time until battleships arrive
2) Propose making them un-groundfireable with associated reduction in HP to make it easier to remove from air.