I'm here to talk about the UEF Engineering station, Kennel.
I like this building, but actually there is heavy bugged and need to be adjusted.
I'll explain the problems, and propose fixes simple to apply.Sorry for my bad english, i will try to be understandable :
Problem 1 : Templates and tier 3 Kennel :
When we save template with updraded kennel in it, the template is saved but can't be used beacause it's not a constructible building. We have to manually edit the game.prefs to remove inside the code of template.
Problem 1 : How to fix that :
First solution, alow to directly build Tier 3 kennel.
Second solution if the first is problematic for balancing, don't allow to save template with tier 3 kennel on it.
Third solution (Thx to Sulo) : make templates with T3 Kennel downgrade it to T2 automaticly.
Problem 2 : The range :
The building have effective range inside drones go to repair/assist. This work at tier 2 : Here, no problem, drones repair that Ravager if damaged.
Let's upgrade this in tier 3. We got a biger purple zone, but in fact that range stay identical to tier 2. With Ravager just 1 bloc further, the drones don't move if repair is needed.
Problem 2 : How to fix that :
The range effect is applied on drones, not on building. It's certainly hard to modify range of drones according to tech level of their respective building.
A simple way to do that :
At tier 2 kennel stay unmodified, ie he create a tier 1 drone.
At tier 3, kennel always make one tier 1drone, and the other is a new tier 2 drone with exact same stats but with better range.
Problem 3 : The drones go anywhere :
When a drone finish a job, he move to help another in this radius, not the tower radius. In this exemple, when center Ravager is repaired, they go to help construction of right one, even if that building is far to the kennel :
When you build kennel, it's because you want it to help where you build it, and not let all drones cluster around factory.
Problem 3 : How to fix that :
First idea : When we give assist order on ground, the mechanism works. Engeeners help in his radius, but if another job require to go to far away, he ignore it and come back to this point.
Use this order on the tower position ground by default for idle drones.
it would be interesting to also stop fly animation when in this specific assist mode to prevent drones constantly flying around towers.
Second idea (Thx to Turnus) : Give the ability to toggle Assist and Repair orders (maybe add reclaim order ?) on towers, to force drones to only repair or only assist.
it's all for kennel, i think that modifications can make this building far more pleasant to use.