Fabs are not particularly effcient, whether looking at it in terms of mass cost, time cost, space cost, or energy upkeep cost, this is true. But as has been pointed out, this is a good thing, because you don't want games where players can develop a powerful economy without expanding.
But I think that a big part of the reasons no one builds fabs now is
not because they're inefficient.
The problem is that for twice as much mass players can simply build an SCU with ras instead. Although that option is twice as expensive, it is a far better choice because, among other things, it takes up much less space and is mobile. Why build a big, fat T3pgen surrounded by T2 fabs when you can just build an SCU and have it patrol in a lake? One can claim that people don't build ras because they're too expensive for how much mass you get, but it is common for me to see players making giant herds of ras SCUs that, 99% of the time, do nothing but sit and produce resources. Since these are obviously even
less efficient than fabs for production, clearly mass generating units are not "superfluous" and cost efficiency is not the only thing preventing people from making mass fabricators.
Although this issue would likely be addressed by making fabs better, I think a better solution would be to simply make SCU ras worse. That way SCUs are pushed back toward the roles they should have, and fabs again become the more attractive option for late-game economy boosting.
RoundTabler wrote:In other words:
you can get 12 mass per tick with t2 mass fabs for:
1200 mass, 48,000 energy, and 1800 maintenance,
3000 mass, 65,000 energy, and 3500 maintenance with the T3 Mass Fab (2.5 times more mass, 1.3 times more energy, 1.9 times more maintenance, for the same amount of mass).
This seems wrong. The T3 Mass Fab should be more efficient than the t2 mass fabs (other than buildtime), but instead is several times less efficient.
This all sounds good on paper, but have you ever actually tried to build a T3 fab versus twelve T2 fabs? Even with templates (I have my handy T3pgen+T2fabs template) it is much more difficult to get the T2 fabs up and running. You have to start twelve different constructions, and assisting engineers constantly get in the way of the next fabs you're trying to put up. Also, it is much harder to fit them under shields, and unless you space them out, it takes much less initial damage to lose all twelve mass/tick. The T2 fabs are clearly more efficient in terms of raw production for cost, but they are less efficient in other more subtle ways that are not insignificant.
In any case, I think that it is wrong to assume that T3 fabs should be more efficient simply because they are T3. With a great many units, lower tech is more efficient overall, but higher tech fits more capability into a smaller package. (Consider frigates vs. battleships, T2 vs. T3 gunships, etc.) I think it is appropriate to continue this paradigm for fabricators. Unlike power generators, which are built at every stage of the game, you will never be in a position where you build T2 fabs because you don't have access to T3 fabs yet. So if T3 fabs are better overall then no one will ever build T2 fabs. (Fabricators should stay priced so that they're built primarily in the late game, because if they are worthwhile to build before all available mexes have been upgraded to T3 then there is no reason to expand.)
If we make T3 fabs a better choice for reasons
other than their overall efficiency, what fab to build becomes a tradeoff decision for the player, which is a good thing. T3 fabs are already a better choice in terms of space and build time efficiency, so what if we also increased their adjacency bonus relative to T2 fabs? That way players could, for example, build mass farms out of T2 fabs if they wanted to spread out and maximize availabe free mass, or use T3 fabs to build a more concentrated base that focuses on efficiency of production.
I think that boosting the T3fab adjacency bonus, combined with making SCUras worse, would be a good start toward making fabs a popular and useful choice again without making the game into turtle paradise.