3712 ongoing development thread

Moderator: keyser

Re: 3712 ongoing development thread

Postby speed2 » 17 Mar 2020, 15:48

Sir Prize wrote:
PhilipJFry wrote:if you want it to get merged faster then pls help testing
i don't have a 4k monitor so testing it on my end is not great...
i can still do basic tests to see if stuff breaks but not as much as i'd like to

keyser wrote:The list have been updated, please test the Develop mod if you have some time.

Thanks, have been testing now, almost like merging changes into FAF Develop to get them tested is the point of the mod and why I suggested it...

Couldn't break anything with the scaling with a mod-free sandbox, UI mod-junkies like me will just have to wait for some stuff to be updated before playing in 4K as some of them broke, nbd.

Not a big deal but any reason the Eye of Rhianne has been left out of #20? I see it's not listed and indeed is still draggable. Obviously this fixes an issue with radars/sonars, but stealth and Soothsayer were included so...

It has to be tested and reviewed before being merged to catch the most basic bugs and ensure some code quallity. Playing develop mod is to catch some unexpected side effects and other things that won't be discovered in the basic testing.
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Re: 3712 ongoing development thread

Postby keyser » 29 Mar 2020, 16:41

Updated list of changes.
A patch is planned for next week.
Please test using FAFdevelop to spot any bug.
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