sort games by fullness

Moderator: keyser

sort games by fullness

Postby nine2 » 02 Nov 2019, 05:11

It would be nice to be able to order custom games in the faf client by how full they are, which would probably be implemented as by unfilled slots asc

At the moment if you sort by players descending you get games in this order:

But for me it would be nicer like this:
1/2 1 player missing
9/10 1 player missing
10/12 2 players missing
12/16 4 players missing

Whats the point in sorting by how big a game is? I want to sort by how short the wait time will be
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Re: sort games by fullness

Postby nine2 » 02 Nov 2019, 05:27

I don't think there is a reason why Sort By Players Descending is useful. If you were looking for a small game it would be better to have Sort By [Max] Players Descending.
Not really sure we need Sort by Names Descending either?

What would be more useful and more human would be:

Sort by Fullness - which is the default, and is [#empty slots asc] but we dont say that

Sort by Max Players - which is actually [max players desc thenby empty slots asc] but we dont say that

Sort by Name - which is always [name asc] but we dont say that

And remove the other options
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