Bloom on Nuke:
So bloom effect is beautiful all game long and gives the graphics its modern appeal (for such an old title). The one exception is after a nuke goes off, the saturation is so high, that you can't select units inside the could to do something. This is really frustrating when reaction to tele-maze, or using groups of ras or rambo coms on field and losing 1. You can't tell whats left and you have trouble targeting the units in the cloud that might be trying to tele-out.
Please adjust this some so I can keep my graphics looking beautiful for my stream viewers and don't lose any competitive edge.
Nuke Pre-Launch:
Ok so your 3/4 way done with your nuke and trying to macro/micro else where. If you preselect a nuke target and it places an attack path. Say someone beats your nuke shot in and kills that section of base. You move the attack path, but it fires to the old location. Press stop and the nuke goes back to 0%. There needs to be some way to reset this other than (don't ever preselect nuke targets). If I want that thing off stat, then I should be able to focus on something less long wave like eco or micro and get the immediate launch speed. Target move may have people worried about steering nukes in flight, but this feature is misleading and should be changed. Maybe add a new button to disable current nuke launch target or just fix the attack move, while preventing it's use after launch.
Large unit move orders:
I notice this in early t1 all ins (the type that might roll over a t2 turtle setup). Good players say, move arty forward 1st, wait for them to move, then move everything else. This works ok, but late game its failing much more (especially t1 arty units). Tried multiple hotgroups to spread out the formations everything. Bottom line is movement groups are unresponsive, and not due to unit stats, just some mysterious mechanic in the engine that's prioritizing certain things, while allowing a long or seemingly endless (i've seen them refuse to move at all) delay. Also why are formation moves going 1/2 the speed of the slowest unit? Maybe allow a slow move period then speed up together once the formation is 95% set.
With the lag problems sorted unit responsiveness will be a big dink from players bored with starcraft 2 and trying to find a more rich and immersive RTS. Lets give them the unit responsiveness, and de-clumping they are used to from that title.