Reduce Toxicity by chat mute

Moderator: keyser

Reduce Toxicity by chat mute

Postby Hell » 27 Dec 2018, 20:56

Would it be hard to implement a mute chat or mute a specific player in chat both in client being all channels including pms and lobby's and in game (all maybe separate options). So you would under the username in aelous have another option to mute and a drop down to mute in game, in client in lobby or have the options next to usernames in game and lobby. Just a thought because I have come across a few toxic to say the least people both in game and messaging me through pm's and its incredibly irritating. Im not sure if you can mute in client but I know you cannot mute players in lobbies or games so it would be I believe a very well recieved update and a good effort on the fight for toxicity. Also maybe add a filter option since this game is 12+ or 14+ depending on where you read so its not a welcoming community for worried parents or just casual gamers who dont want to deal with some people. Thanks for the read, let me know if I can help, I would be willing to help code if necessary.
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Re: Reduce Toxicity by chat mute

Postby PhilipJFry » 27 Dec 2018, 21:00

you can use the chat_mute mod
but you'll have to enter the muted users by hand in the mod file
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