1 vs 1 Ladder has been deal lately, and by dead I mean flat-lined.
Any chance we can do some promotional ladder usage campaign?
From my POV, (#14 ladder&global) I only run into MadStork, Blackdeath (who has not been on in a while) and Wu Ming (once every 5-6 days) and then the occasional new payer ( 0 rating ) from time to time. Now, I know most of the top ranked players are inactive, and that most of the new players run into me, or MS, BD, WM, and then get scarred to rejoin, because even after helping them get set up, and started, you never see or hear from them again. Im not sure how much of this is being near the top of ladder, and how much of this is ladder dying, but we need to find a way to make ladder more popular.
Also, Stop having 0 ranked players meet up with 2000 rating players. Its killer all around. I personally don't mind spending the 30 or so minutes getting them orientated with the proper guides, tips, places to go, etc. But I'm not sure if everyone else is as accommodating. Plus, after a while, It gets quite annoying trying to find a nice even game, and getting your third beginner in a row.
Maybe I'm just missing everyone, but I have been talking to a lot of other people, and they seem to be running into the same lack of ladder players.