Hide number of players/players inside a game

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Hide number of players/players inside a game

Postby surtsan » 22 Nov 2017, 16:35


Just random thought, what if,when we see all the games hosted, we don't show the number of players/players inside a game but only the max number of players ? (so instead of 1/8 it will show 8 max players)

Why bad idea ?
->People that want to avoid someone or play with some people won't be able to find them as easily (but friends exist)
->People that don't have that much time free want to join almost full game, not 1/8 games.
->Some will join just to see number of players and players and then leave

Why good idea ?
->The maps that don't fill (aka not gap/thermo/seton/astro crater), aka the 1/x lobbies may fill faster.

What do you think ? random thought
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Re: Hide number of players/players inside a game

Postby keyser » 22 Nov 2017, 16:54

Not really on the topic, but that made me think about : adjusting the max number of people in the game with the number of slot opened.
sometime you host a map with 8 slot just to play 1v1 or 2v2 or 3v3.
Right now you can still warn people by changing the name of the game.
but it would be useful for adaptative map with 16 spot, when you wanna play a regular teamgame with from let's say 3v3 to 5v5, but you don't want to scare people that see that you have 16 spots (as if you want to have a 8v8, and all the lag obviously)

On topic, i understand why you want that, but i guess it's too annoying.
Last edited by keyser on 22 Nov 2017, 18:43, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hide number of players/players inside a game

Postby FtXCommando » 22 Nov 2017, 17:07

I'd rather get more information about hosts so that I could make a better decision about whether I want to join a game. It seems losing information serves no purpose other than trying to trick people into playing games they don't want to.
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Re: Hide number of players/players inside a game

Postby angus000 » 22 Nov 2017, 17:09

Also, team-matchmaker is a better solution for this imo. Although, yes, it's harder to implement of course.
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Re: Hide number of players/players inside a game

Postby surtsan » 22 Nov 2017, 18:42

Oh that's a good one to be able to adjust manually number of slot.
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Re: Hide number of players/players inside a game

Postby Morax » 22 Nov 2017, 18:44

FtXCommando wrote:I'd rather get more information about hosts so that I could make a better decision about whether I want to join a game. It seems losing information serves no purpose other than trying to trick people into playing games they don't want to.

Good instinct as it's based on a discussion in slack about using statistics to build a case.
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Re: Hide number of players/players inside a game

Postby moonbearonmeth » 23 Nov 2017, 04:50

surtsan wrote:->Some will join just to see number of players and players and then leave

This essentially kills anything you were hoping to gain and that's not including the other negatives you mentioned.

Kind of agree with Keyser, though. I am quite fond of the adaptive maps and having a less frightening number shown sounds like a boon.
In the same vein maybe something that doesn't count observers into the amount of players seems like a plus
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Re: Hide number of players/players inside a game

Postby biass » 23 Nov 2017, 05:08

surtsan wrote:->The maps that don't fill (aka not gap/thermo/seton/astro crater), aka the 1/x lobbies may fill faster.

The maps that are not the ones listed do actually fill if a reputable host hosts them, the thing with those lobbies is that a select few people will host that same map over and over and be good at hosting, whereas a lot of the time a new player will host a "different map" and be new to the whole ordeal, spamming titles such as "not gap xdd" and being unable to balance etc

I know it's possible to host obscure maps, a short time back i hosted some never really played before 5v5 map at about over 900 rating and i had enough people joining that they went and started another full lobby of their own, and that was just out of downtime hours.

I agree with FTX and keyser on the topic, but i would say your solution is targeting a less important issue :mrgreen:
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